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Well, here's a thing.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
So, having been using a NextEra almost exclusively over the last week on my Puzzle Box Squonker, I decided to crack out the Nextiny again. A good friend, Jamie ( @jj87 ) had told me that he found he was getting better flavour from his Nextiny than he had achieved with his NextEra. So being foolhardy and having a few minutes to myself, I thought I'd give them both a work out and see what impressions they left on me.

Stupidly, I used different liquids, but both are Tobaccos, so not too bad an error I suppose?

The NextEra really does excel as a Squonking RDA in my opinion. 300 Grade Mesh, .30 Kanthal, 5 Wraps and 1.0 ohms at 14 watts on the Puzzle Box is absolute HEAVEN.......... Well to my mind it is :)

The Nextiny is using exactly the same Mesh and build, the only difference being the liquid. @eyeball kid Lady of The Night NEVER tasted better!! :11:

This is at 14 Watts on my Epetite and it too is glorious.

So................ Is there any major difference between the 2? I think this is a difficult one to answer as I prefer the NextEra, but Carol preferred the Nextiny.;) Now this could be down to Liquids, so don't read too much into all this. She preferred the Airflow on the NextEra, as do I, but if one is only aiming for SERIOUS MTL action, "maybe" the Nextiny wins there? I did say "Maybe", because I can get a very similar air flow on the NextEra, but I found the flavour fell away a touch compared to my preferred settings, whereas the Nextiny Flavour remains the same no matter what AFC you use.

All I do know is that I am fast becoming a Mesh Convert again and loving every minute!! :)
So, having been using a NextEra almost exclusively over the last week on my Puzzle Box Squonker, I decided to crack out the Nextiny again. A good friend, Jamie ( @jj87 ) had told me that he found he was getting better flavour from his Nextiny than he had achieved with his NextEra. So being foolhardy and having a few minutes to myself, I thought I'd give them both a work out and see what impressions they left on me.

Stupidly, I used different liquids, but both are Tobaccos, so not too bad an error I suppose?

The NextEra really does excel as a Squonking RDA in my opinion. 300 Grade Mesh, .30 Kanthal, 5 Wraps and 1.0 ohms at 14 watts on the Puzzle Box is absolute HEAVEN.......... Well to my mind it is :)

The Nextiny is using exactly the same Mesh and build, the only difference being the liquid. @eyeball kid Lady of The Night NEVER tasted better!! :11:

This is at 14 Watts on my Epetite and it too is glorious.

So................ Is there any major difference between the 2? I think this is a difficult one to answer as I prefer the NextEra, but Carol preferred the Nextiny.;) Now this could be down to Liquids, so don't read too much into all this. She preferred the Airflow on the NextEra, as do I, but if one is only aiming for SERIOUS MTL action, "maybe" the Nextiny wins there? I did say "Maybe", because I can get a very similar air flow on the NextEra, but I found the flavour fell away a touch compared to my preferred settings, whereas the Nextiny Flavour remains the same no matter what AFC you use.

All I do know is that I am fast becoming a Mesh Convert again and loving every minute!! :)
I've been using the nextiny as a trial rta for new tobacco liquids I find but I shall pop some lady of the night in to try. Thanks guv.

It must be winter. Rob talks of mesh.
Evening's drawing in, fiddling about with Mesh, well actually.......... once built just leave alone......... Yes Winter has hit The Fenlands. :(
I haven't tried the Nextera, but bought an authentic Nextasis recently. I sold it within a week. The Nextiny is near perfect in my opinion...
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