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What’s in the future for E-Cigs?




November 09, 2012 11:16 am • By
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<aside id="asset-related" class="grid_3 right" style="display: inline; float: right !important; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: 0px; font-size: 12px; width: 220px;"></aside>Recent surveys show the popularity of electronic cigarettes just continues to grow
CHICAGO — It’s official, vaping is not a passing fad. Recent industry analysis has indicated that more and more people are trying and liking electronic cigarettes.
About 2.5 people are using the smokeless alternative regularly, according to a recent survey by Wells Fargo Securities.
Money talks
Recent estimates put the value of the e-cig industry at $300 million. The Wells Fargo Securities research showed that many experts anticipate the trend to grow by up to 40 percent annually, leading to the industry hitting the $1 billion dollar mark in the next few years.
“The growth has been tremendous,” said Chad Maynard, spokesperson forElectronicCigarette.net.
“We are seeing new visitors to our website all the time looking for more information.”
The survey also tips NJOY and Blu brands as early leaders in sales, Convenience stores seem to be the most popular places to buy e-cigs.
Are there bumps in the road ahead?
The industry has seen some talk about regulations and restrictions. It is generally understood that airlines will restrict use. State and federal regulations for bars and restaurants are evolving/.
“Regulation is definitely going to be an area to watch closely,” Maynard said. “There is a lot of concern afoot, and people seem to expect some degree of regulation.”
Although many people turn to vaping when they are quitting smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes, the e-cig is not a smoking cessation device, and that is why this option has not been tested or regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.
That could change as the market grows and attracts more attention.
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