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What else do you use.


May 18, 2017
Since I bought my first BB last year, I have ditched all other rtas, apart from my rocket which I like with some net juice.
I was wondering if you folks just use the bb all the time, or do you have one or two other tanks you like to use.
Same here. Still use my Kayfuns, Spica Pros, Reaper. BB is just one in the rotation
I use bb's 95% of the time. I used to think box mods were a daft idea.. Extra size for boards and wires when you could just use a simple compact mechanical tube and dripper. Tried some mvp, vapourshark and a couple of other boxes but always went back to the mechs because of the size difference but that changed when I got the first bb. Such a compact little thing. Mechs come out once in a while... Mainly for the nice ascetics these days.
Still have the odd toot on the Paranormal and Zeus, Pulse and Goon 25, the Cube is out on loan and I check the Orion every now and then.
The BB is hard to beat for flavour though. One with my own juice and the other two on Prime Vapes Dewy Supreme and Custard Slice.
A salix on a pico squeeze and a couple of pods for stealth puffing. The bb probably 79% of the time. I don’t really use any tanks at all, I dig one out and have a tank or two through it then it gets left in the cupboard.

I have a nextera clone on the way though, which I think might be an interesting one.
I have a very all or nothing personality so erm everything else is gone and there’s 5 billets lol.
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