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:hello:and :welcome1:to the planet.
If your looking for really nice juices take a look at prime vapes a lot of us on here use them.
:hello:and :welcome1:to the planet.
If your looking for really nice juices take a look at prime vapes a lot of us on here use them.
Ok thanks. I'll take a look. I'm not overly fussy on juice just don't seem to have luck finding the one for me. T juice red Astaire is my favourite but I want a range. Thanks for recommending
Hey. I'm not new to vaping but I have a lot to learn if I'm going to enjoy the experience. I can see myself spending hours just reading on the many posts this forum has hence the title sorry. Meant in a good way.
Iv always had problems finding juice that I like. If it doesn't kill my coil in a day it ends up being not nice juice. Sometimes I feel like the market it just there to confuse me and make me keep spending. I look at the shelf's of liquid and just know iv an 80% chance that I'm not going to enjoy the next bottle I pick. Anyway here to learn DIY and hope to learn from you all.
Also I run smok mag pi mod with smok mini V2 S1 coil. Lately iv been wondering if my mod and coils are not getting me the best from my juice or if in fact it is the juice itself. All I know is that I'm not getting the best experience from vaping right now so off to read the many posts you guys have to offer and hope to be enlightened on the way
Smok haven't had the best history for coil quality mate.. Maybe look at a change in your kit... Both voopoo and vaporesso make great kits.
What is the flavour profile you prefer?
Smok haven't had the best history for coil quality mate.. Maybe look at a change in your kit... Both voopoo and vaporesso make great kits.
What is the flavour profile you prefer?
Yes I find smok coils a bit hit and miss. The juice I get smells great but never lives up to the taste in the tank. I could be to critical of the juice as iv only had the same tank. Next step try a different setup I will take a look at your recommendation thanks.
As for flavour itself red Astaire, fruits. I love the thought of bakery . I have tried them but once on the coil you can't change flavours easily as it lingers
Yes I find smok coils a bit hit and miss. The juice I get smells great but never lives up to the taste in the tank. I could be to critical of the juice as iv only had the same tank. Next step try a different setup I will take a look at your recommendation thanks.
As for flavour itself red Astaire, fruits. I love the thought of bakery . I have tried them but once on the coil you can't change flavours easily as it lingers

I'm the opposite, I love most bakery/ custards and the like. But always carry something with a fruit flavour to have a change
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