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What is a good 50W or so tank with good value coils?


New Member
Sep 25, 2014

I'm actually not new to vaping, been vaping since 2008 and have been on rebuildables since 2012.

I'm actually on much lower power these days (I've done most things in the last - series mech mods, pretty bonkers builds), but these days I'm enjoying 50W builds in my Fat Rabbit RTA. Don't seem to need massive clouds any more and surprising what you can get with sensible wattage and the massively improved battery life.

Thing is, I used to love tinkering with builds. These days I just can't be bothered any more (getting old?) and just want to be able to quickly swap coil and wick together and be done with it.

What's a recommended tank with good value coils? I'm using the Maxus / FreeMax tank that came with my last mod from today (when I realised I can't be bothered with building any more) but they seem to be about £12 for 3 coils and I change pretty often as my juice is sweet and normally made at 70/80% VG.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)
Welcome to the forum!

I'd highly recommend the Vaporesso iTank. It may not be the prettiest to look at the but the GTI coils are incredible for flavour (up there with the best RTAs). My favourite is the 0.2ohm which is rated for 60-75W but I ran it at 50-55W with no problems. The 0.15 and 0.4 version are great too, and there's also a 0.5 ohm although I haven't tried that one yet. The only downside to the iTank for me is the slide-to-fill top cap, but that's a personal grievance against that kind of design and it doesn't bother everyone.

You can find the tank for around £15 and the coils are around £10 for 5 if you shop around.


Have a read through our group review for more info/opinions.
Hi @chippytea and congratz for winning the longest member that ony just posted their first post :D:D

i agree, back in the day the top tank was the freemax pro but to save a few sheckles as mentioned the i tank has got to be up there for the best tank so far this year at a very reasonable price.
i would usally say vape club but then your stuck with 2ml max size.
slightly cheaper tank here and you can also get the 8ml bubble glass for £2.99 which is a no brainer. tank does give really good flavour and coils seem to last ages (think my longest was 0.2 just under a month at 50watts) https://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/clearomisers/e-cig-clearomizer-tanks/vaporesso-itank
I can only parrot what's been said above. I-Tank is a great option for that kind of wattage. I've always sat around 40-50w with sub ohm and its spot on for what I like on the 0.2 coil. You can ignore the rating on it as 50w is more than enough if that's what you like.
Agree with all above on the ITank, but if you fancy an intermediate option you could consider the Kriemhild 2. You can use stock coils or a rebuildable RMC in that and save yourself a bit of money. The RMC isn't nearly as time consuming as a full rebuildable but the flavour is identical to the stocks.
Thanks everyone for your input, much appreciated!

Never thought I'd be happy at the 50W or so level but really am. Before this I had a pair of squonkers at 120W and surprising how far tanks have moved on since I last tried them.

I-Tank definitely seems like a good value for money option, and I'll have a gander at the Kriemhild 2 as well!

Thanks again everyone :)
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