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What is small and compact but good?


Feb 19, 2013
I am using the evod bcc right now and like it, but was wanting to know what is better then it and is sill small and not bulky?
Are you looking for a full kit or just the clearomiser/atomiser bit?
I do like it, but was just wondering if there has been an upgrade to it. I was looking for something that had a little bit of a bigger tank on it.
Why you not enjoying your evod, I think there bloody great vape :)

i hear theyre like the t3 but better and the t3 is nothing short of brilliant so i can imagine the evod can only be better, until my protank (also kanger, the bigger deluxe evod if you will) and the iclear 30s arrive the t3 is my goto tank, personal opinion of course but id take it over any of my visions or novas any day of the week

if the OP is somehow unhappy with the evod id happily trade one of my mini novas for it in a heartbeat, the mini novas arent bad at all but i think the t3 just has the edge on flavour and vapour, plus its a slightly cooler vape being a bottom coil short wick tank. if you prefer a slightly warmer vape then maybe the mini nova is for you but as far as getting the best taste and feel from youre vape its pretty damn tough to beat (i havent got my rebuildable working right yet but thats supposedly the pinnacle of flavour if you can be bothered with the extra hassle to make it work properly)
Yep got to agree the flavour from the evod is hard to beat, for a clero anyway :b
Well sounds like I will stick with what I got then. I do like it. Are you suppose to change the wick at all?
I got an eVod the other day and prefer it to my t3. Better looks, compact, no gurgling and in my opinion a slightly better taste. Downside is capacity but not much in it. Easier to rebuild too if you want to go down that road.

Want to try the Vapeonly next but it is a bit bigger than the Kangers.
Well sounds like I will stick with what I got then. I do like it. Are you suppose to change the wick at all?

Yep I'm just about to re wick and coil a few heads myself, just waiting for my order :) theres a video by Todd somwhere
Where is a good place online to order? I am in the states so I would rather order within the us due to shipping cost.
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