Sub ohm is to use a coil with a total resistance of less than 1ohm.
What you care about the most with all the volts ohms watts kind of thing is how HOT the coil gets and how long it takes from you pressing the button to the coil getting to operating temperature (also known as the lag time)
On any circuit you can use ohms law to work out how much power (in Watts) the output is going to be and how much current flow (in amps) it'll draw.
Both of these numbers are very important. The more watts the hotter the coil, the more amps the more electricity is being pulled out of the battery.
Batteries are designed to work at certain settings. For starters running a heating coil is very power intensive. when the heating coil has a low resistance the amount of work the battery has to do jumps up several notches.
All other things being equal a very low resistance coil will heat up very quickly to operating temperature AND get a lot hotter. this gives you much more vapour, much more flavour.
the downside is that it makes really huge demands on your batteries becuase f the very high current flow (amps) that it pulls. Also it's not possible on most regulated devices at all because of the safety protections built into them.
One of the things that lots of current does it to make things hot. The control circuits inside a regulated mod are delicate and if you get them too hot they'll melt. So the makers of most mods put in a limit so that if the current gets too high it just shuts down. So a sub-ohm coil on a VTR or a vamo etc just plain and simple will not work. It tries to pull too high a current, and as soon as this is detected by the safety circuit it stops firing.
If you use a mechanical mod there are no such things as safety circuits so you can go as low as you like. BUT As there are no safety circuits it's down to the end user to be the safety circuit. If you put a battery, any battery, but lithium based batteries are particularly bad for this, under too much stress it overheats and goes into meltdown. It's called thermal runaway.
Here's some viewing for you.
that last vid is more or less what will happen to a runaway battery. Understandably you wouldn't want that kind of thing happening anywhere near you, much less right next to your face while you were taking a draw.
(it's also what is happening to the dodgy eGo batteries that keep cropping up on local news "e-cig almost burnt my house down" stories, because the chargers they are using are woefully inadequate and overcharge the cells.)
so to use a sub ohm coil (a coil with a very low resistance of under 1 ohm is very
VERY close to a short circuit, and short circuits are BAD (see 1st vid) you need to make dam sure that the batteries you're using is up to the task (the vast majoirty of lithium batteries are not) to do that you need to know what resistance coil you're using. A coil just a little under 1ohm isn't that bad but the lower the resistance goes the faster the amps (current flow) increases so you need to know what your battery is rated to handle safely, and what you're going to be asking it to do, and make sure that you're not asking it to work harder than it was designed to, or you could well end up with video #2.
If you do it right then yes you get more clouds, BUT if you do it wrong you could end up with no face, or worse.
you can get close to sub ohm quality of vapour if you like the big clouds using micro coils at about 1.4ohms resistance on a VTR. It's a much safer (and cheaper) route.