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Best and cheapest improvement you can make with a eGo in my opinion is to scrap the CE attys and get a mini protank2,pyrex chamber so no worries about juices cracking it much better vape and no leaking.Also looks pretty good on a ego too :)
I've had Snake Oil in a plastic Mini Nova for nearly 2 weeks now and it hasn't cracked. Still get new stuff though! I'd suggest skipping the egos and going straght for a VV mod - you know you like vaping so if you can afford a shiny thing, why spend more money on a stepping stone that you know you'll want to upgrade soon? Have a look at SVD, MVP, Vamo, Lavatube, VTR, Tesla etc.

I have a terrible habit of coming up with excuses to get new gear :) I'd be willing to bet that everyone on here does it - I want a new X, what reasons can I think of to justify getting it....

The only thing that stops me ordering things is the bank balance...
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