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What to soak used coils in?


Sep 2, 2018
Hi :) I'm using INNOKIN 0.5 ohm Isub Coils

I have been rewicking them via burning the coil for a few seconds then dipping in water.. Dont seem to last that long though as I'm guessing the actual coil metal still has some burnt residue on them, which eventually I can taste.

Would soaking for days in alcohol or something remove the residue better?

Or maybe I should try making and installing a new metal coil inside?

I’d say after a dry burn and a dip if it still tastes off it’s time for a new coil?
I'd say if you're willing to go to those extremes you'd find it easier to just use a rebuildable atomiser :D
I used to find dipping them in custard used to work for me but probably not a good idea
Hi :) I'm using INNOKIN 0.5 ohm Isub Coils

I have been rewicking them via burning the coil for a few seconds then dipping in water.. Dont seem to last that long though as I'm guessing the actual coil metal still has some burnt residue on them, which eventually I can taste.

Would soaking for days in alcohol or something remove the residue better?

Or maybe I should try making and installing a new metal coil inside?

Wouldn't bother trying to clean stock coils, trying to dry burn the coil will burn the cotton & no amount of soaking will get them clean. Stock coils aren't designed for repeated use.
Wouldn't bother trying to clean stock coils, trying to dry burn the coil will burn the cotton & no amount of soaking will get them clean. Stock coils aren't designed for repeated use.
I sub coils can be re-wicked fairly easily, just make sure you dry burn the coil after removing the cotton and make sure to put enough cotton back in or it will leak.
Dry burn followed by a going over with a wet toothbrush is all I do. I have coils several months old still working fine.
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