Dear Diary,
this is my first ever experience to mix my juice. I know i know...using one shots is probly considered as cheating, but it's such an awesome experience to mix the taste of your own cloud.
We are at T+2 days from mixing. I made 150ml of juice from each 30ml concentrate. 100ml's are waiting for me in the steeping cupboard, sometimes i surprise them with a solid shake but they seem resilient. There smaller bottles-guilty pleasure if you like-for testing/consumption. I've also got 10ml Athena, freebie from
@DarkStar which is much appreciated. :wink:
Mixed all of them at 20% and today i've also ordered some more concentrates from
@Spectrum Vaping LTD as their juices what got me into vaping a year ago in the first place. As master "Ozzy Man" would say: top blokes!
First impressions, will leave an update over time, in hopes it'll be useful for other members who are pondering if DIY worth it.
Fruit Loops:
Amazing! It tastes just like the real deal even if you shake and vape, really didnt expect it!
Hermes AKA Key Lime Pie
Really buttery biscuit taste, with a nice smooth lime over it. Recommended steeping is very far away, but i already like it. I reckon it'll much better than the rejuice/vapegoo variants i've already tried and it's just a few days old.
This still tast chemicall and strong but no harsh. I reckon within a few days it'll tone down a bit and i can have a decent vape. Will update!
Very bubblegum, much strawberry...doge! Bubblegum never been my fav, but hey, it's a freebie. Very strong flavour when mixed at the recommended 20%, i reckon it should be around the 10-15% mark, but we will see. It is a pleasant vape, just no to my taste.
Overall: i know it's too early to form any opinion but for other "budget juice" vapers i'd like to say: do it! Maybe your first order will be above your average in price, but it's such a nice and saisfying experience. The results so far seem much better than expected too. Bite the bullet and just make a small order at darkstar or any other seller if that strikes your fancy.
Update will come in 1-2 weeks.
@angrymic1984 : Zeus is definitely on the "to be ordered" list, i like me some refreshing always.
@mick brown Yiss, thanks for the recommendation, it's really good already and i believe it'll only get better...unless i get hooked. How long you keep it in the dreaded steeping cupboard ?
@mattyk2010 spot on mate, very best so far. Me hooked! Muchas gracias!