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What's your unicorn squonk?

Nothing exotic for me - the Lost Vape Drone.

LV must know how in demand these are and it hopefully won't be too long long before a V2 is released.
Oh no, 10 isn't all that limited, just makes them trickier to get.

I just love the artwork engraved onto the white Delrin. My other half calls me a bear (I'm a biggish chap with a big beard) and this mod would suit me to a tee!
Now I get it, sounds like it would be a fitting mod for you, thanks for explaining...
The turnwood blocks are beautiful things, I have an onk V2 made out of one and the block is a really thing of beauty
Agreed, both the mods and blocks look awesome, never seen one in the flesh, only in pics but they look almost to good to use...
Nothing exotic for me - the Lost Vape Drone.

LV must know how in demand these are and it hopefully won't be too long long before a V2 is released.
Try pming @mammo, he had 2 a while ago when I was looking for one.
Nothing exotic for me - the Lost Vape Drone.

LV must know how in demand these are and it hopefully won't be too long long before a V2 is released.

Lost vape are fuckers for releasing stuff then suddenly discontinuing it without any rhyme or reason.
Yeah. No unicorns for me as I've found I just shelve expensive mods and that seems pointless.
I've two inbox' s in rotation for mtl and I love them. Smart, no leaks and they work.
Strangely I tend to grab one of the squeezes for any dtl liquids which is arse about face really. After passing on them for such a long time I may pick up a 20700 mech squonker for home dtl duty but to be honest I'd be happy with a pulse as it worked great when I reviewed one.
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