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What's your Wednesday flavours?

Goooooooooosebury! That's a flavour that I don't see very often :14:

Adapted from someone esles recipe, people have offered to buy it from me, including one local shop who wanted to sell it as shortfills :hmm: It's the Sasami gooseberry, absolutely key, wonderful stuff :)

2.00% Bavarian Cream (TPA)
1.00% Cream Fresh (Panna Fresca) (FA)
2.50% Custard (Crema Pasticcera) (FA)
3.00% Gooseberry (Sasami)
2.50% Meringue (TPA)
0.50% Sweet Cream (TPA)
2.00% Whipped Marshmallow (Silverline) (CAP)
Those two should be alright on their own, sod the mint, in anything.

yeah, you could be right.... I'm quite partial to mint choc though.

The choc is very 'chocolate sauce' so maybe a mint ice cream would have been better than mint marshmallow. It's wasn't unpleasant, just a bit unusual. :D
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