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Whats your wick and coil in a RSST?


Mar 2, 2014
Hi all

I have a RSST atty and was wondering what is the best wick coil combo to use?

I have seen so many ways to do this from my current setup which is 400 mesh with .20 Kanthal to micro coil with cotton.
The best way to do these,is whatever way you think tastes the nicest.I use 400 mesh & 0.3mm wire in mine as that is easiest to get setup for me.
Thats whats I nearly have in mine at the mo I have 400 mesh and .25 wire I am just after a few more ways of doing it as being new to mods and rebuildable attys just looking for different ways etc
I use a micro coil and cotton. But Raguri informs me that I am a heretic who should be run out of town or uunted down and burnt at the stake.
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