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when should i get my taste back


Nov 18, 2013
I've been vaping three weeks now and although i haven't tried many different juices i can barely taste any of them. I mainly stick to mint flavours as i can taste them a bit more but still not alot is this from smoking for 20 years and if so how long should it take for my sense of taste to come back.
It takes 12-16 weeks for your body to start coming down from the initial healing of stopping smoking.

You can brush or rinse your mouth out with strong tooth paste or Cordysol mouthwash (i know this helps me anyways) or switch up your flavours and go for something with a strong citrus taste to help cleanse the mouth
You've probably Mentholled your Taste Buds off!!! Try a nice Dessert Flavour like Kings Custard from Vaping King !!!:stop:
Ring Any Bells!!!:yahoo: lesions-2-geographic-tongue.jpg
You have managed to become immune to the minties. In the same way that you do if you scoff to many extra strong mints. Your taste buds adjust.
I found that after about 4 weeks my taste buds started to change. And a change in flavours was all I needed. I now keep 4 or 5 flavours handy, and alternate between them.
As already stated, lemon is a good one. I do lemon and lime, but that needs to be in a glass atomizer, as it cracks plastic type ones.
It takes 12-16 weeks for your body to start coming down from the initial healing of stopping smoking.

You can brush or rinse your mouth out with strong tooth paste or Cordysol mouthwash (i know this helps me anyways) or switch up your flavours and go for something with a strong citrus taste to help cleanse the mouth

thanks I'll try the mouthwash and see if it helps
You have managed to become immune to the minties. In the same way that you do if you scoff to many extra strong mints..

Phew. Was on menthol stinkies prior to seeing the light. Also known to finish the extra strong mints in a very short time.

Maybe worth putting the above pic in the 'what symptoms will i get coz of not smoking' coz if i saw that happening it would freak the beegeebies outa me.

Thank you for showing and sorry to OP for :threadhijacked:
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