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When to change coil and cotton?


Apr 11, 2016
Might be a stupid question. Mods please feel free to move to newbie section.

I have bought a kanger top tank. It came with an RBA deck and a couple of premade 0.5 coils. One was installed inbetween the posts on the deck already so all i had to do was feed some organic cotton through it and trim etc.

So ive been using it over the weekend. I took it apart to sort a leak out (the little screw on the side) and when i looked at the coil and cotton, the coil looked considerably darker along with bit of the cotton.

I put it back together and it vapes fine. Normally when ive used pre made coils you can look in to them and theyre all black and have crud all over the wire. They also dont vape very well.

Wanted to ask the question as my coil and cotton look abit... clogged up but it still vapes well. Will i notice the difference when its time to change, like the pre made coils?

When it starts to taste funky. It depends on juice how quickly they gunk up, sweeter flavours gunk up quicker. Me personally, I've had same coil in for about 6 weeks and I change cotton about every 4 days vaping custard flavour (dry burning coil to get rid of gunk).
Some change cotton every day/tank and some change coil every tank. Completely up to you. If it tastes fine it is fine etc. I would've thought a weekend vaping same coil will be fine for a least a couple more days (the cotton that is).
I normally change the cotton daily or every other day ish, just depends how I'm using it and what liquid I'm using. If it looks a bit manky I change it, You can normally tell when its really degrading. Dry burning the coils when changing the wicks also cleans the coil a bit. A coil can easily last a couple of weeks plus.
Ah right,

So this method is obiviousl;y better than pre made coils.... How long roughly does the wire last? I know that'll depend on the wire and wrap etc etc, but just rough idea would be good. It already sound like they last longer than pre made.

So i can remove the cotton and fire it to remove all the black gunk? Does it just evaporate?

Well ive had my coil and cotton over the weekend. Will probably just keep going till it taste different then ill change both at the same time.
in a tank, i'll swap the cotton everyday, and dry burn the coils everytime....in a dripper, i'll change the cotton every couple of hours or so
in a tank, i'll swap the cotton everyday, and dry burn the coils everytime....in a dripper, i'll change the cotton every couple of hours or so

Every COUPLE of HOURS!!! Jesus... I know your a big vaper and go through a lot of juice but man that's insane!.

Where do you find the time to vape so much? hahah
I have a pair of coils in a Billow V2 that have been in use for a month now. I just dry burn them, scrape the crud off with a pin and re-wick them. I have coils in other RTA's that have similar usage times and I just keep on cleaning them. The cotton is a different matter. Some juices darken the cottom much quicker and I change some every few days to a week. Some juices are kinder and I get a week or two out of a wick. Coils seem to last forever if carefully cleaned - wicks are juice dependant.
I literally do mine when they're gunky and taste funny. I hate rewicking so much and find cotton bacon last forever anyway. Usually my coils need cleaning before the cotton does but I'm lazy and just throw in new coils and new cotton haha
Daily for me with the cotton changes and dry burning, coils seem to last forever. Havent change one in 2 months now, only vape at around 40 to 45 at the most on all my RDA's.
I normally change my coils every month or so or when I'm bored and not mixing new juice [emoji51]
As others have said I remove the cotton and dry burn the coils, normally do this when I change flavours which is sometimes everyday
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