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When to re-wick and re-coil?


Jul 16, 2014
Apologies if this has been asked a million times before.

I've been using a mech+RDA for over two weeks now. Being a tinkerer, I've been trying out new coils and wicks every three or four days and as such I'm still a newbie on the most basic of concepts: when should I re-wick and re-coil?

Would some kind soul be good enough to share this info, please? I know that re-wicking should happen more often than re-coiling but I don't know what I should be looking out for in either case.
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a coil can last for weeks, wicking replacement depends on what you are using, cotton I change out every 3-4 days on a RBA silica lasts a lot longer though
Awesome! Thanks very much. After I posted this I went searching on YouTube and found this which pretty much echoes exactly what you said. Thanks again.

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I've had coils that have lasted over 4 months! With the wick it depends on what wick you use, the juice you're using and how much you use that device. I use cotton, some wicks need changing after 1 tank of juice, some can last 5 or more.
When it starts to taste manky it's time for a change!

As I love to faff I usually change wick every 2-3 tanks and change coil every 2-3 days, wasteful but that's just me
Apologies if this has been asked a million times before.

I've been using a mech+RDA for over two weeks now. Being a tinkerer, I've been trying out new coils and wicks every three or four days and as such I'm still a newbie on the most basic of concepts: when should I re-wick and re-coil?

Would some kind soul be good enough to share this info, please? I know that re-wicking should happen more often than re-coiling but I don't know what I should be looking out for in either case.

Its all dependant, if you change juice then is always a good time. In my Russian I only have my ADV and I change that once a week, with my Kayfun, I change whenever I change the flavour (which is usually every couple of days) although if I can dry burn the coil to get the gunk off, I will do that but just change the wick
Apologies if this has been asked a million times before.

I've been using a mech+RDA for over two weeks now. Being a tinkerer, I've been trying out new coils and wicks every three or four days and as such I'm still a newbie on the most basic of concepts: when should I re-wick and re-coil?

Would some kind soul be good enough to share this info, please? I know that re-wicking should happen more often than re-coiling but I don't know what I should be looking out for in either case.

With my sub ohm dripper I usually change the cotton every day or 2. I usually judge it based on how much liquid it can hold and how quickly it runs dry. I find older cotton tends to run dry quicker and not hold as much because it is saturated with gunk and burnt up liquid. Also I'll change if I get black or burn on the cotton. With the coils I tend to dry burn them every cotton change and change them if when rubbed gently with cotton there is black residue that doesn't wipe of easily.

In my kayfun which is also sub ohm but about twice the resistance of my dripper I tend to just change it all at the same time once a week or so. I find the kayfun temperamental with builds, some are amazing then one slight tweak changes the Vape entirely so I often change coils regularly to find the best and then hold off changing for as long as possible. I wouldn't know anything about gennys or using silica. I only use micro or nano coils with cotton.

A general rule, for me at least, the hotter you're vaping the quicker your wick will get nasty, so lower ohms means changing note often.
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