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Where are you from and whats your vape ?

I totally replied to this thread but it never showed up. I was saying that my setup is a Kanger protank mini 2 and Smok winder. It looks like classy minimalist sonic screwdriver. I hail from Helsinki, so the only juices I have ATM are some 0nic vanilla and apple. I just wanted to get something quick to see if I took to this vaping thing.

If I needed nicotine, the local online stores would have to have it sent from elsewhere in the EU, which is how they do it. The nicotine isn't legal to sell here.

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I'm Stewart from Edinburgh currently on a Bagua Clone with Aqua clone filled with Darkstar Arctic Menthol


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uploadfromtaptalk1393890885428.jpg Kaleido with a Youde AGA T4 and a kick 2. Vaping NicQuid Southern Breeze. Oh from Kansas.. US
I'm in Sheffield and currently using a mix of tanks/clearos in rotation, still on my starter ego batteries. Will probably upgrade to a vv at some point.

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:welcome1: to POTV from Fife, Scotland

This morning it is Homemade Cardamon Green tea with Lemon in my Hero

Hero in hand (425x640).jpg
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hi from Bolton UK

Hi there Bandit,

Am from Bolton ... been here a few days only .. was vaping on an ego .. which died last friday .. and having no other mod .. i had to diy a mod from the ego itself just to last the Weedkend..here it is...

THE JIFFY MOD...(had to teardown my son's toys to make that) :(


But Then i had to get a better one and am enjoying it

The Sigelei Zmax V5(very nice device for a beginner like me)

I also like 60pg/40vg liquids with 1% of mint in them :)

Have a Nice Time Everyone

Keep Vaping, Over&Out, signing out

Hi from Orpington. I'm using a vamo v5 vv with a protank 2 mini. My juice of choice today is black bull from vaping king.
Hi, Reevo here, vaping Capitol of Leicester, been Vaping for about 3 years. Should we all be sitting in a circle, sounds like an AA or drug user meeting lol.
I am from Tunbridge Wells in Rainy Kent and at the mo I am using a ego-twist but not for long as brought a Mod last night
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