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Which flavour manufacturers / brands would you recommend?


Mar 5, 2015
Hi there

Quite new to DIY & getting increasingly fed up of a lot of my juices tasting of lard / being cloudy / generally being rank.

I've reviewed everything & I'm pretty sure it's not my nic (even though it is a slightly yellow colour I have had some ok juices so thinking that it's ok) so that leave leaves (quite obviously thinking about it for a second) the flavours.

I quite like fruit flavours; does anyone, for the love of god, have a good brand they can point me towards please!!

Thank you!

Neil :14:
Hi there

Quite new to DIY & getting increasingly fed up of a lot of my juices tasting of lard / being cloudy / generally being rank.

I've reviewed everything & I'm pretty sure it's not my nic (even though it is a slightly yellow colour I have had some ok juices so thinking that it's ok) so that leave leaves (quite obviously thinking about it for a second) the flavours.

I quite like fruit flavours; does anyone, for the love of god, have a good brand they can point me towards please!!

Thank you!

Neil :14:

The Flavour Apprentice, The Perfumers Apprentice, Capella
For fruits I'd say FlavourArt. I've just received a few today included in that are Passionfruit and Mango, I also got the TFA versions of these today too. Opening the bottles and having a sniff of them all. The TFA ones smell chemically, and the FlavourArt ones smell like real fruit. Going to mix up some testers later so I'll report back which taste the most authentic. I do have other FA fruits too, also Capella, TFA and Inawera. Just over 50 flavours accumulated in a month. Out of what I've tried though FA is more realistic, if you prefer candyish then is pick one of the others. I'm no expert, just how they taste to me.

However all brands have their own good flavours, I like Capella Sweet Strawberry for example. I'm trying each brand of flavours at the moment, hoping to combine a little of each for more of a full rounded fruit flavour. If one type lacks a little something then I'll try adding a little of a another type.

I've not been mixing long, about a month and I'm still experimenting. I haven't mixed any of my own recipes yet. I'm just trying tester batches between 3% and 10% to get a taste of each flavour to try and work them into a recipe.
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Heres the notes (only brief) what I've took over the last few days. All flavours I've tried have been left for a couple of days, except Passion fruit and Mango from today which were left for a few hours.

Must say FlavourArt is spot on, Just need to get round to testing the others I have from them. If you want natural fruit id go FlavourArt, Most of the others just taste like perfume to me or candy sweets with perfume to me. From trying them you either get okay flavour but weak, or bit more just ruins them into perfume. Maybe you need to steep for weeks to get rid of the perfume taste. Ive got a TFA Blue Raspberry which has been steeping a few weeks (was vile) and still was after testing a week later. I think that is generally not a good flavour though.

First number is the % I done test mixes at. Next is what id use it at, but also less for when just a background flavour. Last is what I think out of 10. Taste of what its supposed to be and amount used taken into account.

(5+10%) Blueberry 5-8% (above perfume, candy) [low % in blends] 3.5/10
(8%) Lemon & Lime 5-10% [vapable on own missing depth] 7/10
(5+10%) Raspberry 10-12% (sweet, candy, leafy green scent) [low % in blends] 3.5/10
(5%) Strawberry Sweet 5-8% (fresh sweet strawberry) [vapable on own missing depth] 7/10

(5%) Mango 3-8% (sweet, juicy, ripe) [vapable on own] 9/10
(5%) Meringue 2-5% (dry baked meringue, hint of sweetness) 9/10
(5%) Passion Fruit 3-8 % (fresh passion fruit, slight tart/sour) [vapable on own] 9/10
(5%) Peach 5-7% (dry, sweet, ripe) 7.5/10
Marshmallow 5% took on menthol taste from reused bottle retest
(5%) Banana 3-8% (light banana, slight banana milkshake) 8/10
(5%) Mad Fruit 3-7% (Redbull, sweet, slight sour exhale) 8/10
(5%) Raspberry 5-8% (light fresh raspberry, slight tart) 8/10
(3%) Spearmint 3-4% (sweetener?) [2 drops Sweetener/ml 7 drops Koolada/ml] 8/10

(5%)Grapefruit 5% (sweet, tart, sour, authentic grapefruit) 7/10
(5%) Peach 5-10% (5% light flavour, sweet, peach flesh) 6.5/10
(5+10%) Raspberry 5-8% (above perfume), candy, leafy green scent ) [low % in blends] 3.5/10

(1%)Ripe Banana (biting green/yellow banana skin) not sure on rating could be usable <0.5%
(10%) Mango 10+% (fleshy mango scent, weak, not sweet) 2.5/10
(10%) Passion Fruit 10-15% (light flavour, scent Inawera Honey (yuk), tropical drink not fresh fruit) 6.5/10

EDIT: Tested some others today thought id add in bold
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Heres the notes (only brief) what I've took over the last few days. All flavours I've tried have been left for a couple of days, except Passion fruit and Mango from today which were left for a few hours.

Must say FlavourArt is spot on, Just need to get round to testing the others I have from them. If you want natural fruit id go FlavourArt, Most of the others just taste like perfume to me or candy sweets with perfume to me. From trying them you either get okay flavour but weak, or bit more just ruins them into perfume. Maybe you need to steep for weeks to get rid of the perfume taste. Ive got a TFA Blue Raspberry which has been steeping a few weeks (was vile) and still was after testing a week later. I think that is generally not a good flavour though.

First number is the % I done test mixes at. Next is what id use it at, but also less for when just a background flavour. Last is what I think out of 10. Taste of what its supposed to be and amount used taken into account.

(5+10%) Blueberry 5-8% (above perfume, candy) [low % in blends] 3.5/10
(8%) Lemon & Lime 5-10% [vapable on own missing depth] 7/10
(5+10%) Raspberry 10-12% (sweet, candy, leafy green scent) [low % in blends] 3.5/10
(5%) Strawberry Sweet 5-8% (fresh sweet strawberry) [vapable on own missing depth] 7/10

(5%) Mango 3-8% (sweet, juicy, ripe) [vapable on own] 9/10
(5%) Meringue 2-5% (dry baked meringue, hint of sweetness) 9/10
(5%) Passion Fruit 3-8 % (fresh passion fruit, slight tart/sour) [vapable on own] 9/10
(5%) Peach 5-7% (dry, sweet, ripe) 7.5/10
Marshmallow 5% took on menthol taste from reused bottle retest

(5%)Grapefruit 5% (sweet, tart, sour, authentic grapefruit) 7/10
(5%) Peach 5-10% (5% light flavour, sweet, peach flesh) 6.5/10
(5+10%) Raspberry 5-8% (above perfume), candy, leafy green scent ) [low % in blends] 3.5/10

(10%) Mango 10+% (fleshy mango scent, weak, not sweet) 2.5/10
(10%) Passion Fruit 10-15% (light flavour, scent Inawera Honey (yuk), tropical drink not fresh fruit) 6.5/10

That's a whole load of info to chew over; thank you very much (you may have just saved me from going back to bought in juices!)

Neil :14:
That's a whole load of info to chew over; thank you very much (you may have just saved me from going back to bought in juices!)

Neil :14:

I was tempted as well to buy juice as everything I first mixed up was disgusting (maybe not the case if I'd used FA flavours). The other brands will have their usage although I feel like I've wasted money for most of them. Except for the odd couple, like capellas dessert flavours, vanilla custard v2 etc.

I jumped right in with a mix of flavours, started with about 4 in mind and it soon turned into this adding a bit of everything

Marshmallow FA 3%
Meringue FA 1.5%
Hazelnut FA 0.75%
Milk FW 0.5%
Sweet Cream TFA 1.5%
Oatmeal Cookie TFA 2%
Graham Cracker v2 CAP 1.5%
Dulce de Leche TFA 0.5

This is steeping at the moment for about 2-3 weeks, wasn't very nice intially and probably won't be, I was aiming for a nutty, creamy marshmallow but with no idea what I was doing.

Start simple get an idea for flavours and strengths, it's been a month and I've not got one of my own creations yet. Plus then you've got to wait for steeping etc, and it could be months before I get something I've made which is amazing. I thought I'd be mixing up amazing juice in no time, which isn't the case.

Find some recipes online to keep you going whilst experimenting with your own stuff. I'm using a mothers milk and dragons blood clone, along with 8-10% FA RY4 Nutzilla which I've tweaked and added 2% FA Vanilla and 1 drop of Inawera Honey. Honey is really strong and I think still abit too much at 1 drop per 10ml. I'm going to make a 25% Honey/75% PG to dilute it a little.

I've got some ideas for recipes now and going to have a go at Mocktails (mainly fruity ones). I went to a Turtle Bay restaurant a few weeks ago and they had some really nice Mocktails... That's where the Passion Fruit came from.

It's simple to mix, but getting something worthy of an ADV, which many others will like is a bit harder.

Take a look at Ruthless Ejuice website also, they all look so appetising, I haven't tried them but they all look goo for fruity vapes.

Edit : added a few new notes to previous post
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Capella, Inawera, flavourart, TFA, flavor west Chefsvapour and justvape 24/7 carry carry pretty much all these makers lines between them,T-juice and Vampire Vapes have their own lines of flavour Concentrate's,I could go on but these should keep you sorted for now

Sent from the top of an ever increasing mountain of vape gear!
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