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Which Mod?


Jun 17, 2013
I'm looking for a new mod. I want something short, cheap and reliable, I have a vamo v2 and a smok vmax, and although the vamo in 18350 mode is quite short there must be something smaller out there. I'm guessing it will be a mech mod with no lcd or vv/vw? Any recommendations?

mech mods are the way to go in that case.

my nemesis for instance in 18650 is still shorted than my vamo in 18350 :P

you could also try something like the mvp - a box mod
the battery life on the mvp for instance is enormous but being a box , its nowhere neare as tall.
I brought a Smok Magneto at VF and it is very short (in short mode) and at £25.00 great device
Another vote for the Smoktech Magneto, awesome piece of kit and very short with 18350 but still lasts quite a while, nothing to break either!
The magneto is pretty big because of the nature of the magnetic switch
18650 - 112 mm
18500 - 98 mm
18350 - 85 mm
Diameter - 22 mm

Considering a paps in 18350 mode is 60 mm
'Kin 'ell, that's oodge compared to the Paps then? Sod it, going for another looksee as soon as stuck a plaster on my finger and finish drilling this or these Igo-W's, depending if I run out of drill bits! Or fingers.
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