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Which rda tank? And what's the difference between rda and rdta?


Nov 18, 2018
I've never used a rda tank or mod so excuse the naivity. I want to use cbd and have been recommended to use a rda. I've looked online and have seen the ijoy limitless has good reviews but it says rdta. What's the difference? Also can I just buy a tank to go with my mod I have now which is a cool fire tc100?? Or do I need to buy a whole new kit ? Any tips and hints would be welcome
i replied to your other post but this is the best place for it so will repeat.

Hi @Jamesvaper
ive never used a rda in my 4 years of vaping either and dont know why you would of been told that you needed one when for a beginner a tank will work just as well.
with a rda you have to build your own coils so wrapping coils and adding cotton etc while a tank be it mouth to lung or subtank you just buy a box of pre built coils.

you can read up on the difference of rda, rdta here https://vaping360.com/rebuildable-tanks-explained-rbas-vs-rdas-vs-rtas-vs-rdtas/
i replied to your other post but this is the best place for it so will repeat.

Hi @Jamesvaper
ive never used a rda in my 4 years of vaping either and dont know why you would of been told that you needed one when for a beginner a tank will work just as well.
with a rda you have to build your own coils so wrapping coils and adding cotton etc while a tank be it mouth to lung or subtank you just buy a box of pre built coils.

you can read up on the difference of rda, rdta here https://vaping360.com/rebuildable-tanks-explained-rbas-vs-rdas-vs-rtas-vs-rdtas/
I'm using a smok prince at the moment what sort of tank is this ? As I say I was recommended to drip using cbd liquid but not sure whether to carry on using my tank or get a rda ?
Thank you, I have a smok prince tank , what kind of tank is That? I want to start using cbd and was recommended to drop but what would be best a rda or rdta for this ?

There is a whole section for cbd on the forums as above have a read around here but to my knowledge your tank is a sub ohm tank with replaceable coils where's rta, rdta and rda tanks you make your own or buy pre built coils then wick them with cotton, I don't know too much about them but looking to get my 1st rta in the near future but there will be a lot more people on here that can advise better
Stock coil tanks (like your prince) are different to rebuildable tanks (RTAs) are different to rebuildable drippers (RDAs) etc.

They perform differently and really have different purposes.

Anything rebuildable gives you more options as to tweaking the performance to suit you - whereas stock coils, at best you have a few different designs to choose from.

But rebuildable requires knowledge and research (and much experimentation) to get the best from, and to operate safely.

Personally, if I was forced to choose - my (/my wife's) one stock coil tank would go first, then the RTAs. You'd have to fight me to make me let go of my drippers (including the squonk versions) :D

I don't think I'd recommend a rebuildable anything to someone who has to ask about them - I consider them the sort of thing that you reach organically sooner or later (or never).

I started out with an RTA, and on to RDA within a fortnight - but I'm a little odd...
a tank holds liquid an rda means you drip liquid onto the coils an rdta is a mix between the two.
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