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Which sub-ohm should I buy?


Feb 27, 2018
Hey fellow Vapezers!
Just wondering if anyone had some advice on which sub ohm vape I should buy next. I’ve had:
Kroma with slipstream tank
Voopoo Mojo
Eleaf iStick 3
R-Kiss by Smok

I’m looking for something powerful but one that I can swap the batteries and tanks about. Nothing too expensive maybe between 40-70 pounds.

CHheers dudes and vape on!
I am new to this game and have only bought one mod so far, I uwell crown 4. I have no complaints at all with it but i have nothing to compare it too!
Aw is that the tank.. what battery do you use?
The only battery I’ve got now to swap tanks is the Kroma. I’ve had a few others but either lost them or have gave them to my aunt or cousins. Need to stop doing that they’ve got one each now so no need to keep giving them away ha!
I do like the classic look of an Eleaf with the nautilus tank but got the Zelos but that only takes 50/50 imo couldn’t get any 70/30s to work in it at all, just burnt the thing!
I bought the crown 4 mod with tank but the juice I like tends to eat up coils so I now use a rebuildable tank on it.
It takes 2x 18650 batteries.
have a look at these @EllisBabyblue

polar kit £34 https://www.cloudstix.com/electroni...starter-kits/vaporesso-polar-kit-wholesale-uk

revenger x kit £37.99 https://www.cloudstix.com/electroni...tarter-kits/vaporesso-revenger-x-uk-wholesale

luxe kit £54.99 https://www.cloudstix.com/electronic-cigarettes/vaporesso-starter-kits/vaporesso-lux-kit-uk

ive got 2 luxe kits, a polar, a revenger but i bought from fastech in china for the full size tanks before these prices dropped at cloudstix.

always shop around so check the other hardware suppliers on post 5 POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers
Hey MrDj I just purchased the polar kit after this, it seemed to be the cheapest.
That is a bargain there, Sir!
I can post an update when it comes in mail. Again,
Total bargain...
Nice one. It is a great bit of kit and the Omni board4 sure does make a difference with instant fireing.
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