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While doing some site analysis and statistics...



I decided to do some looking earlier today at some numbers and was quite shocked when I saw what was before my very eyes :) I said ages ago that I wouldn't do any more statistic pages... but I was curious and it got the best of me so I went on a lil google mission.

Now I will use the term "closest similar website" but in all reality, there isn't a single website out there like ours....fact.

First things first.. there are over 1.7 million references on Google alone to "planetofthevapes" (google it if you think Im joking!) The closest website similar to ours, based in the UK, has 10 times less than that :)

We have over 300,000 pages indexed...more than 3 times that than of our closest similar website.

We come in second to ECF when Electronic Cigarette Forum is searched :) and 3rd for the term vaping.

The number that shocked me the most is this one... over 74,000 websites are linking back to us.... around the world.

I did not use our member numbers as a reference point because we don't count spam or banned members among them, so while our number is realistic, it is even more realistic to not rely on that number alone to suggest we're the biggest. Which we don't want to be...just the best ;)

So you see you guys... you make this place interesting! Google obviously LOVES our content and gobbles it up within seconds of you making a new thread :)

After looking at the stats through google and our own analytics, it is safe to say, POTV unintentionally has become the #1 UK Based Ecig and Vaping Forum and it would have never happened if it wasn't for you guys!

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Congrats to OC and his team! We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you lot! So THANKYOU!
It's The best because @OccultScientist, KulrMeStoopid and the rest of the Trained Monkeys (Mods) Manage to keep the place clean without stifling what people say or think, a task I can only compare to Plaiting fog whilst herding cats and juggling flaming chainsaws blindfolded with the cheeky girls being piped into your ears on a continouos loop...

We salute you...:happy guys::yourock::happy guys:
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But well done to everyone, to our mods, admins, members and even detractors, who still raise our profile by trying not to!
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