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WHO The F*** do they think they are kidding?

I wonder how long my tweets will remain?

And they talk about our democratic 'freedom of speech' pahh

EDIT: Only one left!!!
Mine seem to still be there
Actually some of my tweets have been removed ... Including the one mentioning dalli

i hope they have all been saved and screen shots taken somewhere
I !"think" mine are still all there (there are a lot though)..........I did also ask the question, no reply though, but also not been banned!!!
Proud to say that I have never even put the word twitter into the searchbar, much less set up an account or do a "tweet". However for those of you with a twitter account, feel free to tweet this and quote me personally.

"Dear WHO.Roger Daltrey is pretty cool and Christopher Ecclestone was the best Doctor recently, never mind David Tennant. Tom Baker was the best ever though. So you should probably stop ripping off cool shizz in order to seem vicariously cool to ver kids. All this kind of behaviour does is lower peoples level of respect for yourselves. And in the spirit of having very little respect for your organisation combined with my alcoholically lowered inhibitions, I would like to say "Feck orf and leave my fecking vape alone ya dirty feckers"
I have just seen this in the last couple of hours and my blood is boiling (even though my windows are open). I will be unleashing against these chumps sometime later in the day. Utter BS that's been posted!
"E-cigarettes are often touted as tobacco replacements, smoking alternatives or smoking cessation aids, however no scientific evidence yet"
Really? I stopped smoking overnight in mid February coz of e-cigs; patches, gum, cold turkey, champix had no success for me and I expected to die a smoker. May not be scientific but it sure as hell is a positive result for e-cigs.

We need though to get a unified hastag for this to use throughout twatter and farcebook to get it trending so people outside our happy band of Vapers start noticing.

Any ideas for a suitable hashtag that we can pass round the community and message boards???
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