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Why do they need so many Mods

steaming socks

Oct 5, 2013
I've been using clearmisers with Ego batts since I stated vaping in August. Knowing now that this is my answer to quitting I'm looking for a Mod. Every time I watch youtube theres another new one being reviewed, and why do they sit there surrounded by numerous Mods. How can they really enjoy every one of them. I like Hi-Fi and could easily go and buy another amp or cd player, but I listened, I used and have liked what I purchased for 6 years. Stopping smoking has left me with cash in the pocket, but these guys would be financially better off not quitting.... My choices have now been reduced to Sig Z-Max , Lava tube or Vamo V5 and would expect to use it for a least a year..
Vaping isnt just about quitting smoking... it becomes a hobby for some of us.

Some of us focus on the material aspect of it, ie collecting and trying everything they can while others are content with what they have and try new things and go back to their regular setup, pass the tested gear on.

2 years ago I would have never EVER thought I would need more than 2 ego batteries and a clear for each. I have a LOT of little things and a few mods, only 3 of which are used regularly now.
It's known in our world as "Shinyitus". It's a wallet killer, and creeps up without warning. best medical cure is to avoid Fasttech. It's proper rife there!
It's known in our world as "Shinyitus". It's a wallet killer, and creeps up without warning. best medical cure is to avoid Fasttech. It's proper rife there!

Cheers, just had a look and closed to window quickly........ Probably It may happen to me. But without you lot making the choice would be a suck it and see. Thanks for the leg work.:thankssign:
Do you ever go back and vape with your relics. As I often get out my old scratchy vinyls and enjoy the past.
Yes, is a simply answer to that.
I'm up to four mods now, but still use me EGO's most of the time.
As my mods are a little big for out and about.
I bought 2 eGo batteries & got sick of buying clearo's as I tried new flavours(finding out the hard way that some liquids crack the tank)so bought a glass tank T3S to go with my clearo's(that haven't cracked/leaked [yet])only to have my biggest eGo battery fail.I haven't two beans to rub together but am reasonably proficient at bodging,so robbed the threaded portion of the dead eGo and mounted it in a plastic baccy "tin",then robbed the switches from one of my old flying models(I started training as an electrician straight out of school)& a couple of batteries (18650's)from the battery pack off a dead laptop.Result is not pretty but works,only problem I'm having is finding a safe way to charge the 18650's as my old charger from the model kits destroyed 2 of the 18650's(5 volts @ 120 Ma) and the eGo USB charger(4.2 volts @ 420mA) doesn't seem to possess the umphh to fully charge the 18650's.I intend on buying decent kit when/if I ever get the compensation through (been waiting 2yrs nearly) from my last car crash.
Compensation can take for ever but I hope you can buy the very best thats available when you get it. I'm also converting a torch to run AA style Ego batteries as charging my Ego's 2-3times a day. I think I was lucky buying my low cost Ego's 2 months ago, I got 1 de-bang and another from the local market. Both have lasted well. My mate has purchased 3 lately and all packed up.
I can see it happening so easily. I started just replacing the crappy CE4s with protanks, then got spare egos that were a pretty colour, then decided I needed a VV ego, and some prettier tanks for variety, and a mod, and a mech mod just for completeness... And I already want more variety! I've still got a few en route from China, and have had to ban myself from buying more until my bank account recovers, but I fully intend getting some other stuff.

It's a combo of visual stuff - cheap but looks pretty just for a change - and different stuff doing different things.

Although with me I at least am not a hoarder, so once I find I have too much to use, I'll probably be fobbing my starter stuff off on someone who needs them. But I guess if you've spent real money on something you'd kinda feel bad admitting you don't need it and find an excuse to keep it like "juice x tastes better in this" or "it goes with my special occasion handbag better than the others". :)

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