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Why Most of Vapers Prefer Big Puffs Vape, Even They are Banned

They are for recreational purpose. Vapes didn’t come about as a medical device, that’s just a tool for marketing.
You said they dangerous. Then why use one to stop smoking cigarettes 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
You seem to struggle with logic. Amongst other things. Vapes are, according to the NHS, 95% safer than stinkies. Which means they are not safe, just less harmful.
The fact you can’t grasp that is your problem not ours.
Your evil disposables are going to get vapes banned. Who you gonna cry too then,? because it’s people like you, who think what they want overrules anything else, (along with the greedy in the retail sector) will have been the cause.

Why should we stand by, as people like you, get a vital smoking desertion method banned, just because you think you wishes are paramount.

Rant all you want. But at some time your selfish and lazy generation, are all in for a big, big, shock. When reality punctures you narcissistic world.
Wow! It would appear that I am an utter moron!
@RAPTOREX please explain what is "dangerous" about vaping.
Oh boy oh boy. What part of 95% safer than stinkies, makes them safe, pray tell?

Gen z🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the generation that stamps its feet and cries unconditionally, when they don’t get their own way. As you are so ably demonstrating.

How about you do some actual research, yourself. Then come back here, and link all the research, that states vaping is safe. Don’t worry, we’ll all wait. But I doubt anyone will be holding their breath.😂😂
If they did ban flavourings it would just be shipped in a separate bottle as the nic is in shortfill so I don’t think it would ever be a problem. Just mix and leave for a week.
Not a fan of tobacco flavourings myself but there is some really nice n.e.t’s all organic.
We have to wait and see what happens.

If they do ban it would make a massive difference. Every established juice manufacturer would have to change their entire business model and, instead of being able to buy a single bottle of pre-mixed, pre-steeped juice they would have to sell a bottle of VG/PG mix plus a separate bottle of flavouring blend which the end customer would mix. Easy. Except...

Not all juices will be good to go in a week. I have found custards need at least a month before they are vapable, but they improve with age - for my personal taste 3 months seems best. I don't vape deserts but I have read they also benefit from an extended steep. Allegedly fruit flavours can be mixed and vaped either instantly, or after a very short steep I don't make any claims of being an expert mixer but in my limited experience ANY short steeped juice is mediocre at best, or extremely unpleasant. This simply isn't the case with professionally manufactured shortfills in my experience and most seem smooth and good to go after adding nic shot/s. I will leave fruits to steep for a day after adding nic, but this is habitual rather than absolutely necessary IMO.

Even if it was good to mix and vape in a week - this is only of any use to 'hobby' vapers who don't mind experimentation. The vast majority want convenience and will bail at the first hint of DIY. Making anything less straightforward will deter most customers.

Yes - manufacturers COULD send out separate bottles of VG/PG and flavour - you should still be able to buy flavours, VG and PG separately, but the cynic in me believes a 'former' vape juice manufacturer who now changes his business to the description of selling 'food product/flavourings' to the same customer base and selling via vape sites/vape shops would be taking a huge risk of having the rug pulled out from under them by the government. Current vendors of VG/PG and flavourings who sell via dedicated, non vape related businesses will probably fly under the radar, but I don't have the same confidence for and 'new' business who just happen to market pre-packaged components as a bundle to vapers, describe it as food/cooking ingredients, but still sell through the same sites/shops not coming under close scrutiny. It is not only about flavour bans - it would also come under TAX AVOIDANCE the moment the inevitable taxes are introduced.

To summarise - even if they could send out a bottle of VG/PG and one of flavour it isn't necessarily that simple. They will have to change their process, to gear up for two bottles instead of one which will involve additional cost, avoid any association with vape marketing - and do this under the nose of two different government bodies - one determined to get them for selling prohibited goods, the other determined to crucify them for tax avoidance.

Reality is unpleasant, and sometimes something that seems simple on the surface can turn into a complicated and potentially dangerous business model.
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If they do ban it would make a massive difference. Every established juice manufacturer would have to change their entire business model and, instead of being able to buy a single bottle of pre-mixed, pre-steeped juice they would have to sell a bottle of VG/PG mix plus a separate bottle of flavouring blend which the end customer would mix. Easy. Except...

Not all juices will be good to go in a week. I have found custards need at least a month before they are vapable, but they improve with age - for my personal taste 3 months seems best. I don't vape deserts but I have read they also benefit from an extended steep. Allegedly fruit flavours can be mixed and vaped either instantly, or after a very short steep I don't make any claims of being an expert mixer but in my limited experience ANY short steeped juice is mediocre at best, or extremely unpleasant. This simply isn't the case with professionally manufactured shortfills in my experience and most seem smooth and good to go after adding nic shot/s. I will leave fruits to steep for a day after adding nic, but this is habitual rather than absolutely necessary IMO.

Even if it was good to mix and vape in a week - this is only of any use to 'hobby' vapers who don't mind experimentation. The vast majority want convenience and will bail at the first hint of DIY. Making anything less straightforward will deter most customers.

Yes - manufacturers COULD send out separate bottles of VG/PG and flavour - you should still be able to buy flavours, VG and PG separately, but the cynic in me believes a 'former' vape juice manufacturer who now changes his business to the description of selling 'food product/flavourings' to the same customer base and selling via vape sites/vape shops would be taking a huge risk of having the rug pulled out from under them by the government. Current vendors of VG/PG and flavourings who sell via dedicated, non vape related businesses will probably fly under the radar, but I don't have the same confidence for and 'new' business who just happen to market pre-packaged components as a bundle to vapers, describe it as food/cooking ingredients, but still sell through the same sites/shops not coming under close scrutiny. It is not only about flavour bans - it would also come under TAX AVOIDANCE the moment the inevitable taxes are introduced.

To summarise - even if they could send out a bottle of VG/PG and one of flavour it isn't necessarily that simple. They will have to change their process, to gear up for two bottles instead of one which will involve additional cost, avoid any association with vape marketing - and do this under the nose of two different government bodies - one determined to get them for selling prohibited goods, the other determined to crucify them for tax avoidance.

Reality is unpleasant, and sometimes something that seems simple on the surface can turn into a complicated and potentially dangerous business model.
i’m not sure this is right. liquid doesn’t “steep” properly until it has nic in it.
i’m not sure this is right. liquid doesn’t “steep” properly until it has nic in it.

Personally I find shop bought juices smooth and ready to vape instantly. Just adding a nic shot to shop bought juices seems to make little difference, fruit flavours seem fine to me but I do leave them for a day or so but I will vape them instantly if I can't be arsed to wait. I will leave desert flavours/custards for about a month for a 'nic steep' as they seem to benefit from it.

I find DIY a completely different proposition. If I make a fruit recipe from VG/PG/flavourings/nic it won't be good to vape instantly, or in a day, or a week. Most of the time it will smell like a perfume bottle and will taste like chemical shite.

II don't know why this is the case, maybe flavourings take time to blend properly and nicotine doesn't, but whatever the issue is caused by I find every time flavours are freshly added to a VG/PG mix the resulting concoction is vile - it can turn in to something really good after a long wait, but waiting is necessary unless you aren't fussy.

So adding nic involves an additional steep as you're adding an additional ingredient. Right you are, but I'm sure you knew exactly what I meant. But feel free to give yourself a big pat on the back, three cheers and a big slice of clever cake.

You deserve it, I think you're great XXX
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