Personally i don't demonize any individual for partaking in whatever activity they like, we have the choice weather or not to put any given substance in our bodies. I freely admit that having given up smoking, which i disliked doing, that i now enjoy my nicotine intake in this new form.
It's that choice where the crux lies. The only genuine way that any individual can make a credibly valid decision is to be fully informed on what exactly it is they are consuming !
There was a thread recently where a guy was using the nicorette inhaler & preaching to a vaper about how much less worse it was for him. All based upon what his GP had told him. Then someone pointed out the fact there are 14 ingredients in the inhaler, 3 of which are in e liquid & that the fourth one in e liquid was better for you than the one in the inhaler. That leaves 10 extra ingredients in the inhaler which we know to be completely unnecessary. The guy was not informed ! He did not have enough information to make an informed choice. If it were in America, he would sue the gp. A good point by the way because since the NHS are not yet involved with the distribution of vaping products they don't have any legal business giving advise on it either. Do doctors suddenly gain automatic knowledge overnight then ? What qualifies them the tell you one way or another anything about this product which has "Not been researched enough" ? < not my words there.
Where sugar is concerned, same thing ! If i eat a pack of jelly babies, 30 minutes later i'm unconscious ! It knocks me clean out. I never used to have this issue & i can go into any general shop anywhere in Britain & buy that shit by the carrier bag load (Although the bag is 5p so i take my own !
) All perfectly legal, all socially acceptable, we even give it as gifts to our best friends !
My main point in that really is that the food industry is one of most corrupt in the world ! Period, hands down, greedy lying corrupt moneygrabbers ! It's not just the tobacco crew or the pharma crew.
Many people just don't want to hear that said, it's too much for them to think that they have been misinformed & duped for almost a lifetime.
It's better to be honest with yourself though. Lets just imagine for a moment that refined sugar was removed from circulation tomorrow ! You would never be able to list the vast amounts of products where it is nomally found but where it has no business being in the first place ! BREAD, do me a fucking favour ! I don't want or need sugar in my bread, & that's just one single example among a sea of it.
Sugar, nicotine, caffeine, morphine, polyunshaturates ! These thing all have their place but just not in everything. Actually on the subject of polyunsaturates & those manufactured margarine's you can buy, they are another example of a complete lie. They are not good for humans, not at all, they are over processed & the human body does not recognize them, as a result it can't process them & so your body is left searching for the relevant nutrition still.
There are so many wrongs in the entire consumer market place ,in almost every area. We have a product in vaping where we are aware of the contents & choose to use it in our individual moderation but the powers that be would rather seize it, tell us all some other bullshit story, control it & add value to it for their own profit. They can't have ordinary people going around & gaining knowledge & knowing more about something than they do ! Where's the money in that ?
Shit, i could go on & on but i'll stop there.