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Wismec Reuleaux

I can't buy a mod this size and weight ... I'm totally with @danb. Don't need 200W either.
Maybe the DNA200 chip in the Tesla 100W nano box with escribe, limited to 75-80W ... I'd buy that ... as long as it's <£100
I can't buy a mod this size and weight ... I'm totally with @danb. Don't need 200W either.
Maybe the DNA200 chip in the Tesla 100W nano box with escribe, limited to 75-80W ... I'd buy that ... as long as it's <£100
The efusion v2 will be out soon. Dual 18650 DNA133. Even tho I've brought the lavabox I'll be all over that bad boy.
I feel the same as MrTeaTime about this. I love the idea of a relatively small triple 18650 mod but the design and shape just don't look right. Looks like it would be uncomfortable in a pocket.

Bizzarely enough it's actually quite comfortable in a pocket, certainly more comfortable than the VTbox200 (Although thats not saying much - a Breeze block would be more comfortable in the pocket than that). I can sit at my desk or in the car with it in my pocket and it's fine - must be the shape. Certainly it's fairly heavy, but Im managing OK so far...
With regards to the weight, it's actually very close to the weight of the SX-Mini M-Class. I've not weighed them both but picking them both up it feels the same.
Now, I'm not saying that the Reuleaux is a light mod (far from it) but it's certainly manageable.
interesting thought......but meant Wismec with VTBox200. I think Tubby also has an sx mini?
I have those mods too hence the interest.

Although I have a Wismec on the way anyway....just a bit excited. :dance:
I'm pre ordered at Vapegeek, bring it on:woohoo:

I'm not worried at all about the size and weight of it but can see it's not for everyone. I can't see the point of not needing 200W though! It's got a down button guys
With regards to the weight, it's actually very close to the weight of the SX-Mini M-Class. I've not weighed them both but picking them both up it feels the same.
Now, I'm not saying that the Reuleaux is a light mod (far from it) but it's certainly manageable.

Sx Mini M class with battery is 266gr, Two 18650's about 92gr, so an SX Mini with three batteries would be heavier by 37gr...
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