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Wismec rx200 mode switching problem


Oct 13, 2015
Hi all,

So I've had this mod for nearly a week, I've updated the firmware and it's been working a treat for the last few days.

My problems is this...

I've put a temp build into it, SS304 0.13Ω, has been amazing but every now and again the RX200 switches into wattage mode. To get it to go back, I'm having to unscrew the atty until it cant read it then switch back and reattach. Even after this, it sometimes switches back to wattage immediately after firing :hmm:
I can't remember the last time I seen the "new coil" screen if that helps any. Come to think of it, when should it come on the screen?

It's totally random when it happens and only after this build has been put into it, does anybody have any ideas?

As I wrote this, it has been working fine just to prove me wrong but would I love any input as to what's happening.
TC newbie here, but I understood SS was more reliable above 0.5 ohms.

Can't search without some pain on the phone, but have a look in the TC section, esp the stickied post.
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