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Review Wismec RX200s Review


New Member
Aug 12, 2016
My Full review and honest oppinions on the rx200s :) hope you enjoy the review and if you like please subscribe :)
Maybe it would have been nicer if you had at least first introduced yourself to us all in The Introduction Section? ^^^^^ This all smacks of wanting to just get some subscribers Fella.:19: Sorry if that upsets you, but we do like to get to know each other on POTV.;)
All to often we see people do exactly that which you have done, come along, post a video and ask for subscribers and then disappear.

Hopefully........ You're different? :16:
I'm personally not a fan of being referred to as "bitches" three times in the opening 2mins of so. Stopped watching there I'm afraid...
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I think he's trying to be another Vaping Bogan,(curse words aplenty but a nice guy who knows his onions) , and failing.

There's so many reviewers out there you've got to have something different. Roses on your wallpaper ain't it.
Hi Guys ...

First off I am sorry for not introducing my self I am new to all the forums and have no idea lol.. I am not like the others that come post there links and that is it, I'm a big believer of vaping and I love the family you make from it, vaping has one of the biggest communities and I am proud to be a part of it.

Secondly.. I love the pink flower wallpaper (not roses).. it shows part of my personality.

And finally .. I am not trying to be Vaping bogan, I am who I am.. I have always talked like this and will continue to talk like this, I call my best friend a bitch every time I speak to him. It's just who I am .. I am a firm believer of people being themselves, who they really are and not to try and be someone they are not, but I Thank you for putting me in the same category as Mr Vaping Bogan himself I'm thrilled ..

Please don't take this as a harsh post as it isn't, I am just answering your constructive criticism. I look forward to seeing you all again.

Thank you, V.A.D XOX
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