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MTL Wotofo Cog MTL RDA

That's a shame, the berserker on the tighest-assed hole is just right for me. This tank looks really nice to my eyes.
It's in no way a bad tank and could give the beserker mini a run for its money. Zero leaks either when refilling. Just had this pegged as a contender for top spot from the moment I saw the design.
can't have it all, it's still very good.
On 3FVape there is a RTA called the Roulette, it is a clone but has a deck for DTL and a deck for MTL with a very similar set up for the air flow i might take a punt on that instead jus
You'll both get one.
It's an itch that has to be scratched, lol.
probably why I've a box of mtl tanks not in use.
Ha Ha you are right I have soooo many tanks but do try to use them all at some point but of course there are some that get used more than others. I saw on 3FVape a tank called the Roulette, it is a clone but has a similar air flow system but with two seperate decks one for DTL and one for MTL. I may give that a go but I hate waiting for stuff!! I have an order from them that has been a month so far and it hasn't left China yet and it was 24hr ship which it did but has been loitering all over China!!
On 3FVape there is a RTA called the Roulette, it is a clone but has a deck for DTL and a deck for MTL with a very similar set up for the air flow i might take a punt on that instead jus

Ha Ha you are right I have soooo many tanks but do try to use them all at some point but of course there are some that get used more than others. I saw on 3FVape a tank called the Roulette, it is a clone but has a similar air flow system but with two seperate decks one for DTL and one for MTL. I may give that a go but I hate waiting for stuff!! I have an order from them that has been a month so far and it hasn't left China yet and it was 24hr ship which it did but has been loitering all over China!!
Seen the Roulette when the OG was released. Apparently the airflow is a pig to adjust unless you have nails or a pair of tweezers. Don't know if the clone is any easier, given tolerances might not be as tight ;). Did think about one when the clones appeared.
Seen the Roulette when the OG was released. Apparently the airflow is a pig to adjust unless you have nails or a pair of tweezers. Don't know if the clone is any easier, given tolerances might not be as tight ;). Did think about one when the clones appeared.
I have nails and tweezers so I might give it a go!
Todd reviewed the OG, might be worth a view, It's restricted dl & mtl by all accounts though.
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