Hyjack as I am unable to find a thread discussing the link between pinoy and our more fast paced too fast it seems cloners you mentioned some article you couldnt release yet, can you now? bored give me some vape shit to read. EDIT might be making this up as I am quite confident I was drunk when reading this think it exists thread
It was due to go into monthly vape magazine in a couple of months but, as they are refusing to meet my demands (including a simple one of paying me for the last piece I wrote), I've pulled it from them. It'll get pitched in various formats to some subscription journals, newspaper supplements and magazines instead.
From all the evidence collected thus far there is no substance to the allegation that some manufacturers are acting in collusion with cloners. If anyone has evidence they'd like to offer up, on or off record, my PM box is warm, moist and inviting.