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WTF? How E-Cigarettes Lead To Heroin

Watch out for tin foil and empty coke bottles being banned folks! Think of the children! One day covering a roast chicken or holding their favourite drink, the next devices of satan leading them to a life of hell.

PLEASE think of the children before letting these gateway devices into your homes...
I wish these people would stop 'hiding behind the children' - Thinking about the children would mean teaching them right from wrong and how to make the right decisions rather than trying to 'shield' them from it, because when they're older and have to work all the crappy things in this world themselves they'll be unprepared to cope and make their own lives harder.
"Think of the children" what a joke!

Here's a quote from one of the comments that was on that site:
When a child is raised hearing that cannabis is evil and will make you insane and will get you addicted, and they’re raised on a platform of anti-drug propaganda, it sets them up for failure. Many kids, after leaving home, are introduced to cannabis by friends or acquaintances. Some will try it, others will not, but all of them will suddenly become re-educated. Those who try cannabis will discover that it doesn’t actually drive you mad, it’s not actually addictive, and it’s actually quite enjoyable (and sometimes beneficial). So what are they going to think when they discover all of this? “Wow, cannabis is nothing like what they said it would be in school! I wonder what else they lied to me about?”
-Christopher Steffen

I think his whole comment is pretty good so feel free to check that one out :)
Vapourtorium - excellent point, well made.

As a dad of a teenage girl, I agree with you 100%. Interestingly, I spoke to her the other day about smoking - just because I wanted an idea of how many girls in her year smoked, and was quite surprised at both how many did, and exactly how anti-smoking my daughter was, and that seemed to be based on what she has been taught at school, and also the "from the heart" chats we had when I was a 30 a day smoker.

She is the reason I am an ecig user too - nearly two years ago she told me to try one, and I haven't looked back since.

I wonder who the fcuk these "experts" talk to when they are talking to "the children". Most of the young people I know are aware of e-cigarettes and their use as a harm reduction measure rather than an opportunity to ween themselves onto tobacco products...

I wish these people would stop 'hiding behind the children' - Thinking about the children would mean teaching them right from wrong and how to make the right decisions rather than trying to 'shield' them from it, because when they're older and have to work all the crappy things in this world themselves they'll be unprepared to cope and make their own lives harder.
"Think of the children" what a joke!

Here's a quote from one of the comments that was on that site:

-Christopher Steffen

I think his whole comment is pretty good so feel free to check that one out :)

And for this reason, I never lie to my sons.

My older two are at that age (teens!OMG!) and I am completely up front with them. They had their first taste of alcohol last year with their grand dad in a pub. One enjoyed his Shandy, the other didnt. I had my sister 10 years older than me, berate me and accuse me of setting them up for a life of hard drinking and drug usage because I allowed it.

1. We're not in Kansas any more sistah! And it is allowed here, where as in the states it is not.
2. My kids know I used to smoke weed, they know the ONLY reason I don't do it now, is because I don't know anyone local who does so I have no supply :P If I had access to it, I would happily smoke it (away from my children of course) and not because I am a stoner. Weed honestly helps me stay "calm and normal".
3. If my kids want to smoke, they know they can ask me and I will gladly buy them a pack and let them try it for themselves. They also know if I find out they are smoking in the "goth block" at school, I am "THAT MUM" who will storm my fat ass over there and give them a good lashing in front of all their "cool mates who smoke". After determining if they could just "stop smoking" or needed help, I would hand them an ecig.
4. IT IS OUR JOB AS PARENTS TO TEACH NOT PREACH to our children. Half the world is fucked because Parents stopped doing their jobs AS parents and let their kids run wild through a life of smoke and mirrors filled with lies to "protect them". Bull*cough*SHIT.
I know what you mean about the alcohol thing. We were given shandy when we were teenagers and allowed to 'sip' my dads beer every once in a while. It stopped the curiosity and allowed us to get over it. Otherwise children are always curious about this thing their parents are doing, yet aren't allowed it themselves, then when it comes to peer pressure they're more tempted to find out what it's all about. The more we 'protect' them, the worse they will turn out in my opinion. Teach your children and don't shield them from the inevitable.
Isn't it good to know that although we are probably miles apart, our approach to parenting is not.

I've always thought that the forbidden fruit is a lot less appealing when permission is given.

Onward and upward! :thumbup::D
On the alcohol front...

I was near enough raised on it!

Wine with Sunday dinner as a toddler, Cider with my ploughmans pre teen.

The thing was, it was with my parents and my brother, who is 7 years older than me.

None of them are alcoholics who were just letting me get lashed because they couldn't be arsed not to. It was always controlled.

When I reached my teens, I, as almost every other teenage lad in this country, used to go out at night, pop down the offie and get some drinks in.

Whilst everyone else was falling around giddy, I had the knowledge, and a certain level of tolerance, to be one of the more responsible ones stopping the abstinence massiff from running in front of cars.

Letting your kids do what the fuck they want is wrong. Making sure they are prepared for when they do what the fuck they want anyway is far more the way forward in my humble one.
I was brought up like you Vapemonkey1980, watered down wine with special meals, very dilute shandy etc. So when all my friends started drinking and it was this big thing to them, I knew more about it and wasn't tempted to down whole bottles to look 'cool' etc.

Knowledge makes you wiser, you should get it from your parents, not other kids.
I have to say I completely agree, I would say that me starting smoking in the first place was being Brought up in a house where my dad never really stopped smoking and I was simply told that I must never do such a thing by both of my parents which of course coupled with a large group of older friends who started smoking, curiosity got the better of me. The same attitude was taken about alcohol boys drugs and swearing. Needless to say none of it detered me and in many ways encouraged me in the first place.
I also felt the need to hide my smoking and now even my vaping from almost all my family, if my parents had of been straight with me at the very least I might of been older when I started smoking and probably would of been upfront with them

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