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Yo and stick with it. It’s worth it in the end.

@Dozwold hello and welcome.
At least your first 24 hours was something you'll remember.I screwed three coils in the first half hour.
Hi and welcome. Sounds like you've had quite a journey already. Ready for the next episode?
Wow you've been through quite the battle! Well done for seeing it through and congrats on the 2 months quitting!! :clapping:

I've quit for a month now. Bought a lot of stuff! This forum is really expensive considering it doesn't sell anything!! :11: Bloody bargains lol :17:

The bravest I've got is buying my first shortfills, then couldn't get the lids off! lol

Would love to have been a fly on the wall in that hospital though!! Would have fell off the wall laughing!!:rotflmao:

Welcome fellow ape!! :ape1:
:hello:& :welcome1: to the Planet Dozwold!

Great intro and a even greater story! Quite a bumpy ride for you so far, but looks like you're starting to get the hang of it.

I had an eye op in private hospital a week ago....had me vaper with me...soooo glad I didn't use it while I was there then! I was going to have a sneaky vape in the waiting room toilet, as there's a window I could open....but bottled it. 4 hours I was in that hospital..the op only took 10 minutes...seriously it was that quick! it was sitting in that waiting room for 3 hours that was driving me bonkers. That toilet got real desirable during my wait! Felt like a schoolboy wanting to sneak off behind the bike shed for crafty fag! ;)

I duel fuelled for 2 weeks before quitting the stinkies, quitting for good a month ago. First couple of weeks were a bit hit and miss, but I did join POTV, and was fortunate to have got a lot of help. This forum is a gold mine for info and advice..so feel free to ask whatever you want...I've posted plenty of seemingly dumb newbie questions in here, and they all got answered without any ridicule. Nicest folks I've ever met in 'ere! :)

Oh...like you have discovered....I too thought i'd be saving money....er....not yet! I'm riddled with Shinyitis alas! :D
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It sounds like you have had an adventure. When taking up something new it is always good to conduct a bit of research online before walking into a shop.
It sounds like you have had an adventure. When taking up something new it is always good to conduct a bit of research online before walking into a shop.

Lol, well I know that for next time. When you start vaping it’s impossible to know and you rely on the shops if you don’t know about this forum. I bought 4 of the same Smok Spiral plus tanks in less then a week, because I didn’t know you could buy refill coils. The dude in the store must have loved me. Each Smok tank came with 2 coils and when they both gunked up (a day each as I am on super sweet Nasty Juice) the guy at the shop simply sold me new tank packs as they come with 2 coils. I now have 4 Smok spiral plus tanks (4ml each so he was also clearly getting rid of older stock) all sitting here doing nothing as they are pretty meh for me now, especially since I learned more, watched reviews online, and since I have found and learned to rewick the amazing Wave RBA for my daily walk arounds and a Dotrda 24 for home, so I’m good for a while now... rest assured I complained to the manager since, and that dude working there (on commission clearly) was since sacked.
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