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You tube rant about e-liquid

I actually think, weirdly you may say, that Vaping various juices created using steeped tobacco leaves of various types is superior. The smoke, tar, carbon monoxide and other chemicals could be said to mask the real flavour of tobacco.

When I was a smoker I (like all of us I suspect) would say they could tell the difference between various brands of fags, various brands of rolling tobacco etc. But having had the odd non scientific pull on somebody's smoke of differ types....all I taste is ..well ..smoke. Acrid, burnt smoke. I reckon my taste buds were conditioned to somehow override the nasty stuff to detect the nuance of the actual tobacco. I enjoyed a pipe for many years and loved to try different blends I found at the tobacconist. Tobacco made with port for example. With cigars I found there was a world of difference between a Hamlet an a good Havana.

But would I now? I'm not so sure I would. I reckon they'd all taste like ..well...shit in all honesty. I did the trad thing recently at my sons wedding where all the fellas went outside for a celebratory cigar. It was kind of fun but did I enjoy it? Honestly? No. I felt like I should and I stuck at it but couldn't wait to get inside and get my Guevera filled ecig out inside.

With leaf steeped tobacco juices I find I enjoy the subtlety of different Vapes. Cleaner. Purer. Un contaminated tobacco. My take on it anyhow. Not the same for everyone but whilst I like to vape a variety of flavours, fruits, custards, tobacco with custard etc etc I will always enjoy a decent tobacco vape...not smoke.

Let's face it. Cigarettes are an acquired taste to say the least. Obviously different brands add other ingredients in differing amounts to make the specific taste their own. But the base taste is of burning ash. Yuck. Perhaps this is the sought after "tabaco" flavour some seek and can't find. Maybe someone should come up with an "ashtray" flavour?
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