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Your favorite concentrates & recipes

I only buy pre made juice so I’m afraid I’m no help.
Favourite concentrates of the moment are

Zepolla by Flavour Art (Doughnut)
Vanilla custard v1 by Capella (No1 custard concentrate bar none)
Calipitter Chow by Moms and Pops (What's in it? Nobody knows)
Biscotti (Cookie) by Flavour Art (Delicious biscuit base)

If i did this list next week, it might be different.

With coming up to 200 concentrates on the shelf now and growing weekly you'd think I could make a few recipes but, the total number of concentrates in use by vapers almost certainly runs into the thousands and so I still can't make most recipes on the web. Grrrr!!

The zepolla tastes like yeasty damp cardboard to me. Agreed on the FA cookie though, a great concentrate.
An interesting one for me at the minute is FA condensed milk. It’s so strong you only need a few drops per 10ml otherwise it tastes like the smell of baby vomit, but at the right ratio it’s fantastic in sweet dessert recipes.
An interesting one for me at the minute is FA condensed milk. It’s so strong you only need a few drops per 10ml otherwise it tastes like the smell of baby vomit, but at the right ratio it’s fantastic in sweet dessert recipes.

Hey Zou, you have some vanilla tahiti right?

go and give it a sniff out of the bottle and tell me what you think it smells of.

..... it might remind you of something from your childhood, especially if you had a sister.
Only child here I’m afraid, but I had some female cousins and an aunt that wasn’t much older than me. I’ll have a sniff later today when I’m near my box of flavours. It’s great stuff, the tahiti vanilla.
Only child here I’m afraid, but I had some female cousins and an aunt that wasn’t much older than me. I’ll have a sniff later today when I’m near my box of flavours. It’s great stuff, the tahiti vanilla.

yeah I love it.... but I was giving all my concentrates a sniff test the other day, before mixing some little testers, and I got the missus to smell them blind and tell me what she thought ... and she said the most bizzare thing when she smelled Tahiti and now it's all I can think of when I smell it. :D

it's not an unpleasant smell, just not one you would expect (or consume, lol)
Ok, I sniffed it. It definitely smells familiar. It seems to take me back to the 80s. But I can’t quite put my finger on it. @Simon G , you will have to reveal what this is...
Ok, I sniffed it. It definitely smells familiar. It seems to take me back to the 80s. But I can’t quite put my finger on it. @Simon G , you will have to reveal what this is...

The missus said these 3 words .....

"Baby Doll Heads"

at first I was like 'what' then I was like 'oh my, you are right!' :)
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