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Your wholesale/dropship/overseas site experience?

Iftkhar Rashid

Jun 5, 2018
I've seen a few of these like Everzon and similar looking sites with some bad *as deals?

Which sites do you recommend and have had success with?

My only hold backs are (I know its bad) that they are/might be overseas with little accountability, might be clones and delivery times ( like I don't wana wait a month or 2)

As always grateful:)
As you’ll have seen from the forum many members use them with little to no problems. Only problem I’ve ever had was with FT when their postage system went on a go slow.

You won’t get great CS from any of them but as you’re paying a fraction of the price - that’s the risk you take.
I use fast tech alot and never really had any issues worth mentioning, and they will state 'style' on the website if it's a clone
Ask fasttech to label your package below $16.00 as customs check 1 in every 20, or so, it happened only to me once 'it was bad luck' I have probably made 40 orders until it happened to me, but is always worth noting this caveat.
All good from fastech and gearbest,..
No problems at all ordering gadgets and mods etc from AliExpress every order arrived and tracked all the way.,I have to admit AliExpress has really cleaned up its act.
every package from fastech is marked as $15 even some coils that only cost me $4.99 was marked the same as a mod and coils costing $70
the best postage was my e packet which usually took around 9 days but that was up until the hiccup a month or so ago that a lot got sent back to china but i still had 2 come through which took 11 days.
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