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Zeus RTA Single liquid for the driptip


Aug 16, 2018
Good morning everyone. I have the Zeus RTA single and I'm having a serious problem.
He does not leak at all, nor put upside down, nor lying down, anything. But when I vapor I always get liquid for the driptip. I already put cotton tight but even so after a few steamed up liquid into the driptip and into my mouth.
I ask: is this normal for this tank? Has anyone ever had this experience?
Thank you.

No its not normal.
Sounds like you dont have enough cotton in the juice ports and its flooding.
Can you post a picture of your build?
Hi and welcome btw
Thank you for accepting me and for helping me.
I stained the photos, take a look, please.
Thank you.
I do think you need a little thicker cotton.
In the third and fourth picture the cotton seems so thin.
You need enough to plug the juice port to stop it flooding through but not too much.
Try wicking it again with it a little thicker.

I tried with thicker cotton but the problem continued. Do you think I should leave the ends of the cotton thicker?
I have the Zeus too. I have the ends of my cotton touching the bottom. Worth trying to see if that helps you at all.
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