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Alcohol tests and vaping

I am D and A tested regularly in work and have also been known to use vodka in some of my home blends to thin them down a bit.
I have never failed or even been referred.

Also, look at it this way: Your average tank holds 5ml (or less). Lets assume that to thin your juice you use 5% vodka.
So 5% of that 5ml is vodka. (0.25 ml)
40% of that vodka is alcohol by volume. (0.1 ml)
If it takes 4 hours (and it'll probably take longer unless you are sub-ohming heavily) to vape that tank, you'll be taking in 0.025ml of alcohol per hour.
And that's blood alcohol, not all of which will show up on a breathalyser.

I know this takes a lot of things for granted, but you can't deny that it's highly unlikely that the story you read was true.....

Cracking answer that!
I was pulled over in the car as the nice police man believed I was smoking with my children in the car I was vaping a mech he then checked my car over and breath tested me and it came back as not even a trace of alcohol on his box so I believe your good [emoji2]
I was pulled over in the car as the nice police man believed I was smoking with my children in the car I was vaping a mech he then checked my car over and breath tested me and it came back as not even a trace of alcohol on his box so I believe your good [emoji2]
Ha, he really wanted to get you for something eh? Why would be breath test you? Don't they need to have cause to think you might have been drinking or had broken some traffic law? Anyway, screw you Mr nice policeman.
Ha, he really wanted to get you for something eh? Why would be breath test you? Don't they need to have cause to think you might have been drinking or had broken some traffic law? Anyway, screw you Mr nice policeman.
My lass had a glass of wine at the pub we went to for lunch and apparently he could smell alcohol in the car [emoji3]
Hello everyone,

I'm being paranoid if I'm honest. However I see a story break the other day of a chap blaming his drink driving on his e-cig. I didn't believe him but it did get me thinking. I'm about to start work on the rails and I will be randomly drug tested. They have a zero tolerance to alcohol so if I register 0.01 I still lose my job. Does anyone know if vaping can affect your alcohol levels or better, has any vapers had any problems with drink tests whilst vaping?

Cheers all, please feel free to take the piss out of me for the silly question I'm sure I know the answer too!

Is this the story about the guy in Ireland? If so I laughed when I read it, the guy was about double the drink driving limit and swears he never had a single drink - either he was vaping something pretty stupid or he's a liar, whichever the scenario I think he's got it coming to him. The judge who is hearing the case sounds like no fool and is a vaper himself he made a few comments that make me believe that he was highly sceptical about the guys line of defence. I call BS on the guys excuse and can't wait to see how it turns out. I don't think you have much to worry about if you're vaping sensibly - just avoid juices that contain anything vaguely alcoholic if you're that worried :)
I'm also one that's regularly D & A tested, due to my job. I'm a docker so spend my days driving cranes, 40 tonne forklifts and many other pieces of heavy plant. Been vaping for best part of 3 years and never had a problem. I can't for the life of me think why vaping would cause one! Yet another BS story by the sound of it. Will it never end?!
I can understand the OP's concerns. Some employers go beyond what a reasonable person would call "fanatical". I work in the oil industry and several years ago I worked for a USA company that became so fanatically fundamentalist about alcohol that our mouthwash was checked to make sure it was alcohol-free. I got a verbal warning for having some Guinness bar towels and beer mats in my cabin as these were "alcohol-related paraphernalia" and could show that I was in some way "alcohol dependent". The same company made me take a D&A test while I was home on leave despite the fact that I could, if I wished, be pissed as a newt every day. As I had to drive 30 miles to take the test I was hardly likely to risk losing my driving licence and my job by driving there drunk!
That is strict, but that's the way some US companies go. I've heard of some that test employees for nicotine to make sure they haven't been smoking at home.
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