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Berserker mini rta giveaway for you mtl poster's

eyeball kid

Mar 21, 2016
Maggie from healthcabin has sent me a berserker mini rta in a bit of a mistake as it was supposed to be the rda for review but thing's went a little wrong. I will pop a review up for this as I haven't done one and it's a cracker (it's taking all my willpower to keep to my not keeping review items rule).
The rda has been posted out today so expect a review on that next week but in the meantime all you mtl posters, names in a nice list please and I will pick a random winner.
Keeping this out of the giveaway section as it gets swamped with folks who never post.
Thanks guy's
@simong , @instantlady if you can remember anyone else who was after one give them a shout.
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2. Lord Grim
I don't normally get involved in giveaways, but this is a cracking atty, cheers
2. Lord Grim
3. Hol

Although you should keep it [emoji6]
2. Lord Grim
3. Hol
4. gaart
5. simong

I thought I was the only person who didn't have one but if I think of anyone to tag, I will. :D
I've got one already and love it. I will buy another but rules are rules. Can't be overly objective if your just using the generosity of the vendor's to boost your own collection.
Plus I get the pleasure of sampling different gear before I decide if I buy, then get the pleasure of giving it away.
All good.
2. Lord Grim
3. Hol
4. gaart
5. simong
6. Ethendinythor

I've been successfully resisting the temptation to get one up 'til now
thanks for the chance

It will still be sealed as I will do a review on the one I already have but I can already say it's the tank that broke my squonk only rule.
I will put a link to them on health cabin as they've been kind enough to send this one.
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