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How much do you spend a month on liquids ?

About £40-£50 a month I guess with flavours, bottles, VG etc I guess. Would be £10 a day on pre made I suppose.
I haven't actually worked it out properly, but at a rough guesstimate I reckon around £10-15? I DIY all my juice and have lots of 72MG nic base in the freezer so it works out cheaper.

I mainly use solub arome, or chefs flavour one shot wonders. Really do like the one shot wonders, my first time trying them recently so I only bought the 30ML bottles to try. They are £5 for 30ML, and at 20% that makes me 150ML (just used a online calculator to work that out, couldn't work it out myself at the moment lol).

Next time I will buy the 100ML bottles of the one shot wonders, the Doh nut, unicorn milk and melon I got is lovely, and they will make me half a litre and they are only £11 for that much.
About £40-£50 a month I guess with flavours, bottles, VG etc I guess. Would be £10 a day on pre made I suppose.
Wow, how much juice do you use a day? Only asking as that seems quite a lot for DIY. Either that, or I am a tight arse when it comes to juice lol.
Hadn`t worked this out yet so going to do it now - I diy and mix 30/70 pg vg

Sucking about 20ml a day, so 600 ml a month - my adv cost me £13 for 100ml and does (shit me) a month as i mix it at 15%

I bought 2l of pharma grade vg and 1l of pharam grade pg for a combined total of 30£

My nic i got pre tbd and have 5 years worth so not even gonna factor that in.

If you care that much do the rest of the maths but basically fuck all..

Now the 200 quid a month I spend on mods, mechs and peripherals is a different story :)
I’d estimate around the £10-15 a month, tops. I use less than 10ml per day and I cleaned up during Black Friday.
Depends on how much juice in the cupboard - some months I'll spend £60-80 then not buy any for a month or two. I mix my own via one shot concentrates or buy shortfills from Manabush and Dripworx and add my own nic etc. That's for two of us as well.
about £30-40 sometimes more if i see a new ones that ive not had before ialways like to try new ones but i dont mind spending that much as its a lot cheaper than pay £70- a week on fags .....
spent zero on vaping since TPD bar last week when I needed some nicotine VG and PG so I've spent about £30 since TPD came in,tell a lie I did buy some premixed some rejuiced as I fancied some of their flavour so call it £60 but still.....That's because I went absolutely bonkers during the sales :)
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