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AG's review on the chi you clone

I don't know the guy not seen any reviews from him or not remembered anyway. To be honest he definitely came across to me like a idiot with a were better then you type attitude.

Just my opinion :)

you've never heard of Duane, here is his channel. he's quite big in the vaping community :). I guess I cross across to many forums pmsl (joke)
Not so much freedom of speech as the freedom to be a stereotypically, ignorant, opinionated, gun-toting asshat who believes in knee-jerk opinions rather than the application of knowledge to a structured and logical argument.

His freedom revolves around anger, intimidation and the blanket refusal to consider how this situation could be improved. Instead he just wants to silence, not engage, the people he doesn't agree with.

He needs to suck it up.

And, stop being an asshat.

I bloody love that word.

you've never heard of Duane, here is his channel. he's quite big in the vaping community :). I guess I cross across to many forums pmsl (joke)

Nope well I have seen him mentioned I could of watched some but I can't remember the face :)
Crikey, I just thought he made a dumb video, takes all sorts.

Couldn't give a shit that he is, splutter, big in the vaping community, who gives a damn, I'm big in the outstaring radiators community, somebody give me a fucking medal!
This video may have been inspired by a mixture of passion, and showing off, which can work, I think in this case, that he looked like a distressed, diabetic nerd, in need of insulin shots and an episode of Star Trek, maybe a weak lemon drink, to calm him down.
If what mods people own is how he sets his moral compass, he needs to look at the bigger picture, in the hope of one day not being a moral pygmy.
But, he has every right to express this, and he hasn't inhibited anybody else's right to do so, has he?
I feel neither offended, or outraged, maybe I should read the letters pages of the British press more, anyway, his choice to make a tit of himself, other people's choices to disagree with me.
Big fuss for this from me? Don't care that much, seen some of his other stuff, it can be okay, doesn't rock my world, it is looking at vaping gear, I am interested in vape gear, but not enough to be incredibly angry, unless I'm just feeling pissed off generally, which is admittedly often, but I should go fuck myself anyway, the bastard!
Big fuss, about what? You tube dipshittery.
I tell you what needs to be sorted, I have a spider that keeps spinning a line right across my front door. Ignorant arachnoid, fecking arogance of the eight-legged freak! Gah! Graowr! Um-bongo!
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