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The Steam Crave Titan PWM Mod V1.5 & Aromamizer Ragnar RDTA
There is one question, and it's a question that has certainly been discussed in depth with my own personal group of fluffy fog throwers for nigh on 5 years now. At times.....these conversations could get a little heated, with one camp claiming one thing....and the other camp, as they slowly come around from being unconscious for several days, claiming to not know exactly what's going on, where they are, and why indeed they appear to have been thrown into some kind of 'camp' .....what can I say....I don't like to be disagreed with...

But it is indeed a question that has never been fully answered and agreed upon, I would even go as far as to say that this particular question carries with it the weight of something almost 'taboo', only being quietly muttered in very small groups of the same gender, whichever gender that might be....I don't know...fucking choose one....let's say 'toasters' for the sake of an argument....not that I'm assuming ....obviously...

I guess that’s because some members of these camps have certain 'insecurities' about what they brought to the party?......Or maybe they have in the past....had particularly bad experiences with attempting to finally answer this almost mythical conundrum, bringing on bouts of trauma, or even possible personal injury?.....SO!........What is this question that has vast swathes of us all up in a tizz?......
'Which is better?......Length or Girth?'
Personally, I'm in camp 'Girth', and there are a lot of people around me who feel the same way. Unless you like waking up in a field in the middle of nowhere I'd strongly advise you not to disagree with us... We like something that feels chunky in the hand, and we have even gone as far as creating specific training routines in order to become accustomed to getting our mouths around such a girthy tip...

It takes practice, but the outcome is totally worth it.
Yes sir, we do like our 30+mm RDA's & RTA's and something substantial enough to put them on....what did you think I meant?....Filthy minded motherf....
However.....even though we have always been resolute with our own answer to this ultimate question, there now appears to be an all new question which has stirred up the hornets nest somewhat, and that question is this....
'Can we have both?'
Could we?.....Would we?.....Dare we attempt to assume that it is actually ok to want our fat Victoria Sponge....and to eat it as well? certain manufacturer seems to think so, as they brazenly swanned in to the joint and announced with complete and utter abandon...

I dare they stir up such unrest in the community, I bet they never even considered the Gluten and Lactose intolerant amongst us, man...I fucking miss cake......I no longer know where I was going with this....
Shall we?....I think we should....
Welcome back my preposterously plus sized plume posse, ‘tis I back again with much...MUCH more of the same, so much more in fact, that I even had doubts of my own ability to accommodate such a monolithic undertaking, I am, with my overly toned mouth and pumped up left arm ready to take the battle to the masses like the true professional and globally recognised, award winning warrior....that I

Never one to shrink to a challenge.
So, as if I really need to explain who this particular troublesome manufacturer actually is (it's literally in the title) ...we are obviously back in the realm of oversized beauty. Steam Crave and I have something of an understanding just lately, they will give me everything they have, and in return I will not post out those photoshopped pictures of BJ Shi having sex with a Capybara. vindictive artistic streak and general underhandness pays off, and so good.
But I have to admit.....even though I was well aware of the devices that I have for you today way before I actually received them, I was not really fully prepared for what was come, so....let's stop talking absolute pishposh, and get down and dirty with this gargantuan mouth dildo duo, as I present to you, courtesy of my heavily blackmailed friends at Steam Crave, the Steam Crave Titan PWM Mod V1.5 & Aromamizer Ragnar RDTA

Now, first things first, this is not a 'kit' as such. As the name would suggest, the Titan PWM Mod V1.5 has been designed with Steam Craves voluptuous Titan 41mm RDTA in mind, nice as it is to finally have a mod that will fit that particular aquarium, I was more intrigued by the newer and in my opinion, better looking, Aromamizer Ragnar RDTA, which actually is available as a combo with their dual 21700 Hadron 220 mod. But, you know me....I like to walk my own path...

Plus....literally on top of that, the Titan PWM Mod V1.5 actually has a 35mm 510 plate, and the Ragnar RDTA've guessed it.....35mm, and not 41mm like the Titan so.....I don't want to say I know better.....

So...the Steam Crave Titan PWM Mod V1.5 & Aromamizer Ragnar RDTA it is then.....fuckyouverymuch.
The Lowdown
We'll start with the Steam Crave PWM Mod V1.5, purely because there's really not a whole let to tell you about it. As far as mods go it's as about as complicated as......erm......something that's not very complicated (?). What it is fucking monolithic..

It's a PWM mod - that's 'Pulse Width Modulation' to those who can't use Google - meaning that instead of one solid burst of uniformed power, you get very quick pulses instead. You can't feel them, but it's a method of delivering power in vaping that's been around for a long time. I have always been a fan, it seems to do something to the flavour of your liquid that conventional power delivery does not. It's also a straight out variable voltage mod that runs from four 18650's in a parallel series configuration, or in short....don't think of it has having 4 batteries....think of it more as having two fuck off batteries instead. The result of this is a maximum delivery of 8.4v, which....depending on a few variables such as the condition of your batteries and the ohms you’re using, translates to around 300w of pure savage...power, something that I.....should probably not be left alone with.... may have noticed that this is in fact the V1.5. I never actually owned the V1, but I am well aware of it, and only when you know about the V1, can you really understand why this is the V1.5, and not the V2.....the differences really are slight, and in most cases, are hidden away on the internals. But....there are three main areas that are instantly and notably different.....let's start at the top...
Gone from the V1 is the none existent top plate, and instead, as I mentioned earlier, we have this beautiful landing pad.....

It's 35mm across, meaning you could probably land a small helicopter on it, and it's also vented, should you want to use an air fed top...if...people still do that (shrugs). But for me personally?.....I just think it's a beautiful thing, there's something about a large polished plate that just tickles my I alone with that?.......Meh.
Another change to the appearance from the V1 is the......indents.....finger channels......grip dents......ribbed shaft........fuck it, these things..

They offer substantially more grip than the smoothed out V1, and as well as the functionality, they also break up the appearance really well, I dig that.
And finally....and undoubtedly the most controversial change from the this windmill lookin’ motherfucker....

I don't know if it's modelled off a robotic daisy, a circular saw blade, or like I said....a fucking windmill, but my word It is the weirdest fire button in the history of fire buttons. Thankfully however.....I really, really like weird, so.....I really, really like this, and I do not care who thinks I'm mental. It's kinda Steampunkish with it's cogs and whatnot, and obv I do like the whole Steampunk thang, but honestly, I like it because it's just so....WHOA....I think BJ Shi was having his own personal happy time with a bottle of Absinth and a fat bag of skunk when he designed the fire button. I did ask him....but his answer was inconclusive....

No shit.
Regardless of the over elaborate fabulousness of said fire does serve a purpose beyond looking like a Chinese Ninja weapon, because it's turning this wheel that dictates your voltage, and because of the sheer size of it....this is much easier to do than on the V1, which did work in the same way, but had a much smaller knob...

Everything else on the surface is pretty much the same, The screen is in the same place and displays the same information...

You're talking straight power shooting here though, no elaborate menu system to navigate, no TC, no bypass, no curve mode, no memory slots, nothing. You get variable voltage.....and that shallot. 5 clicks on and off, 3 clicks to lock the wheel, and on the display you get the set voltage, the equivalent wattage, ohms of your coils, and two battery gauges to display what's left in the tank on both banks of two batteries.....and speaking of batteries....

All four are inserted into its bottom through a removable, vented, battery door plate, with positive and minus markings clearly visible on both the door and the bottom of the battery tubes.
However, the real changes have happened to the internals apparently....I wouldn't know, seeing as I have never owned a V1, and let's be honest, I probably wouldn't understand a word they were saying if they told me exactly what they'd done. So I'll just say it's an 'improved' chipset...and leave it at that. What I can tell you however, is that there is no reason to fear this titanic Titan because of it's simplicity - don't let it fool you into thinking it's not completely in control of what it's doing with all that power, because it may well be simple....but it's also safe, offering low voltage protection, short circuit protection, over-time protection, over-current protection, over-discharge protection, over-temperature protection, double ribbed strawberry tickler protection and battery reverse protection....simple maybe, but not so stupid.

RIGHT THEN.......time to go straight to the top of this girth worm and take a gander at the crown on this self imposed mighty, meaty match up, as we take a closer look at the Steam Crave Ragnar RDTA. 35mm of stainless, dual coil, dual airflow, fire breathing, bad ass, barbaric lunacy...

Now....there's another reason I chose to review the Ragnar with the PWM V1.5 over the Titan, and that reason is....I knew it was better. Don't get me far as 41mm tanks go, there is nothing really to compete with the Titan, but....even though I love the ridiculousness of the thing and it does give me somewhere to keep my pet whales, it's just not very practical, nor is it exactly a flavour banger either. over 3 years old it's practically a pensioner....things have changed, and that is no more noticeable....than with the airflow.

80% side airflow and 20% bottom airflow, and it's that little oval inlet underneath the honeycomb air holes that makes ALL the difference, because that is where the 20% bottom airflow comes into play......and once you get to the heart of the can see why. Simply remove the deck in the same way as you do with most other Steam Crave decks, unscrew the base....and pull it out...

Now....for me....I'm bottom airflow all the way. You only have to ask my other half about that, I'm sure she'd agree...

So seeing Steam Crave pay a little attention to this area made me a very...very happy boy. That little oval air vent you see on the outside? Well that lines up with the build deck, flows straight underneath it, straight up through the honeycomb block, and straight through your coils...

It just doesn't get any more bottom airflow than that.....well..actually that's a lie, if it were up to me I'd figure out how to make that 20% a lot nearer to the 100% mark....