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18650 batteries

Sony have stopped production of the VTC5's so they're hard to get a hold of. Purple Efests are your best bet.
don't go below 0.8 ohm mate so 20a are fine for what i need , dae ye stand in front o yer drawer wae yer mortice lock in yer hand looking at all yer battery's givin it :yahoo:

Ha ha aye, my new excuse for buying shit now is , I say to my mrs cause she's always going nuts saying but I cand understand why your buying this or that if you've got stuff that all do the exact same . So I have come up with the perfect solution I just say to her you can put it away for my Christmas , then the same night when I get it say I better try that just to make sure it's working , then that's it , it's in my paws, thank fuck she doesn't come on here lol
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