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Jun 29, 2020
I've had a search on here about pg/vg %s I'm slowly getting my head round it, but just to be sure do I have to be careful what %s I go for when purchasing , at present I've got a pack of 0.8, and a 1.2 also a 0.48 that has come with the new tank.
Are they the coil resistances you have?

In general, MTL coils tend to be 0.7 or higher, with smaller wicking holes and they often work best with 50/50 PG and VG mix.

DTL coils tend to be lower resistance and have bigger wicking holes, allowing them to work better with higher VG mixes (because VG is thicker / more viscous).

It's not cut and dry, but as a rule of thumb... somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit to add: https://veppocig.com/pg-vs-vg-eliquid/
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VG provides the vapour clouds and viscosity in your juice,
PG provides the throat hit and thins the juice..

So the hi VG juices tend to be prefered to the DTL vapers while MTL vapers tend to prefer a more 50/50 mix..

But i am sure many will buck these trends and its all down to taste i for example am vaping a hi vg juice in a mtl device atm cos i like it ;)
I'm gonna guess as you mentioned 0.48, 0.8 and 1.2 ohms

You will probably be okay with 50 / 50 with these coils, also 60vg / 40pg should be okay as long as you don't chain vape it.
With the 0.48 you may well be able to use 70vg / 30pg.
The 2 tanks are Zlide and the pack coils Zcoils 0.8ohm 15-18w
Hope I'm not p***ing you all off with numpty questions.
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