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I'm learning, I've noticed the difference with the n/s regarding the throat hit, enjoying it, so much more interesting and enjoyable than just rolling and lighting up.
I'm learning, I've noticed the difference with the n/s regarding the throat hit, enjoying it, so much more interesting and enjoyable than just rolling and lighting up.
Well nicotine and PG tend to give the throat hit, and VG gives sweetness and clouds. So I'd start looking into 50-50 juices, for now. See how they go.
As for what coil. That depends, greatly, on your style of vaping. If you want to replicate a cigarette use the coils over 1Ohm and keep your watts down around 15-20 as a start. If you want a more cloudy vape use the under 1Ohm coils and start at about 20w. The .48 Ohm coil my well be better suited to 70-30 mix.
I understand, I do try to hit the search button first, because no doubt it can be a pain for you seasoned vapes having to keep on answering numpty questioners.
I'm into small cloud, this Manabush at the moment is lovely, big smile on my face.
I've had a search on here about pg/vg %s I'm slowly getting my head round it, but just to be sure do I have to be careful what %s I go for when purchasing , at present I've got a pack of 0.8, and a 1.2 also a 0.48 that has come with the new tank.

just remember to stay well below the coil guidelines for wattage....and increase watts gradually...coil manufactures tell lies about their coils ability or if your an MP they mislead the public
The 2 tanks are Zlide and the pack coils Zcoils 0.8ohm 15-18w

All the info you need is in that graphic I posted, those coils should be able to handle 70% VG but that's the max recommended limit... so if you are taking long hard pulls you could end up getting dry hits. Some of it is to do with how you vape, how long you let it sit between pulls etc. I stick to 50/50 so I know I'm good at all times even if I'm having a quick 'quick as I can' vape.
The new tank which arrived today had a 0.48 in , I'm interested in using the 0.8ohm tomorrow after I clean out my original tank with the 1.2ohm in it and try the lemon Tart, I mustn't forget to concentrate on my work tomorrow haha
@Jonty noob questions are no problem, fire away, we've all been there (in fact some of us never left) because unfortunately there is a bit of a learning curve.

I would say 0.8 or 1.2 are both good bets. 0.8 will probably require a few more watts and give a warmer, stronger vape.
Manabush flavours always put a smile on my face. There's nothing better than a freshly laundered tank, a newly primed coil and some Manabush liquid. It hits the spot every time. I use 1.2 or 1.6 coils for Manabush and have the air hole down at 1 or 2 open for the best flavour.

And I do go on about this but I find longer drip tips give me a better vape - I use 3cm acrylic ones from the drip tip store. I get a longer draw which is better for me.
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