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2017 POTV Charity Raffle........ THE WINNERS!!!!!

I just say costume jewelry, although hubby who took something to the post office the other day told them it was gold nuggets, they never batted an eye!!
What's in it - for safety reasons...?

Crash barrier & some bubblewrap.


Tiny superheroes.

Ok. Are they both the same?

Just for Jollies and because getting everything together was a logistical challenge due to holidays etc Here's the mysterious "Vapers Hamper" that we of the "Northwest Chapter" AKA The Manc Meet donated - And congratulations to @rosco1438 who won it, along with a Northwest Chapter T-Shirt of his very own...
Coilmaster DIY Kit V3, UD Wire Box (Selection of Wires - Kanthal, NiCr, Ni200, SS316L, Twisted Kanthal, Kanthal Clapton), Cotton Bacon, An IPV5, An ADKVEN wooden Parallel mech mod, An HCigar VT75c, A Silo Beast tank, A Freemax Starr tank, A Hobo Customs Drifter RDA, a selection of Juice, A Coilmaster Kbag Mini and a Coilmaster Vbag...
View attachment 140046

Wow what a great hamper.
I don’t like to rain on anyones parade but regaring the Hcigar Vt75c. I heard there was a battery issue with it by that I mean that some 18650’s were too tall and the battery guy Mooch issued a warning on his facebook page.
Can @Tubbyengineer please confirm that this mod will be safe to use. Sorry but the safety part of my brain just went into overdrive when I spotted this.
Not meaning to frighten the lucky winner, but wouldn’t like it if this thing decided to go tits up when the winner tried using it.
Ps. Well done @rosco1438 for winning this
my 3 prizes sent.

MrMalcolm101 - posted and received

Blueys posted - and received
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Wow what a great hamper.
I don’t like to rain on anyones parade but regaring the Hcigar Vt75c. I heard there was a battery issue with it by that I mean that some 18650’s were too tall and the battery guy Mooch issued a warning on his facebook page.
Can @Tubbyengineer please confirm that this mod will be safe to use. Sorry but the safety part of my brain just went into overdrive when I spotted this.
Not meaning to frighten the lucky winner, but wouldn’t like it if this thing decided to go tits up when the winner tried using it.
Ps. Well done @rosco1438 for winning this
A quick search would have revealed the problem to be with 26650 batteries, not 18650. As the mod takes both it would have been better to advise not to use 26650 until correct batteries are sourced. The NW guys would not send something to anybody if it was deemed dangerous.
A quick search would have revealed the problem to be with 26650 batteries, not 18650. As the mod takes both it would have been better to advise not to use 26650 until correct batteries are sourced. The NW guys would not send something to anybody if it was deemed dangerous.

I know they wouldn’t send anything on purpose, just like to be extra vigilant, people get caught up in the moment sometimes. Wouldn’t like to see someone in the newspaper, although I did think it was with both sized batteries, ok my bad. I’m sorry. Carry on. But maybe send a note about it with the mod regarding the 26650 issue?? Just in case the winner is unaware?? I’m not having a go, I’m just looking out for one another.
There's extra vgilant & then there's scaremongering without proper research. 30 second search on here reminded me of the original issue. Perhaps you should have done the same. As I see it your post has potentially made a fellow ape question the motives of others. If @rosco1438 has any questions regarding safety of the mod he can pm any of the NW guys & his mind will be put at ease.
Wow what a great hamper.
I don’t like to rain on anyones parade but regaring the Hcigar Vt75c. I heard there was a battery issue with it by that I mean that some 18650’s were too tall and the battery guy Mooch issued a warning on his facebook page.
Can @Tubbyengineer please confirm that this mod will be safe to use. Sorry but the safety part of my brain just went into overdrive when I spotted this.
Not meaning to frighten the lucky winner, but wouldn’t like it if this thing decided to go tits up when the winner tried using it.
Ps. Well done @rosco1438 for winning this
It's being sent with an appropriate 26650 cell in it - and the issue really was vaper stupidity as opposed to battery size. You simply don't keep tightening down a battery cover until it's flush - once it's finger tight if you haven't got it flush then don't try to force it further - if you do unpleasant things are bound to happen. It's not that Mooch was wrong to warn people just that people shouldn't be so fucking stupid in the first place...

If you don't believe me ask someone with a mech mod what happens if you overtighten the mod once it's contacted the battery (Several mods use screw adjusters for battery length and if they're set too long overtightening the mod will crush the cell and cause it to short)...
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It's being sent with an appropriate 26650 cell in it - and the issue really was vaper stupidity as opposed to battery size. You simply don't keep tightening down a battery cover until it's flush - once it's finger tight if you haven't got it flush then don't try to force it further - if you do unpleasant things are bound to happen. It's not that Mooch was wrong to warn people just that people shouldn't be so fucking stupid in the first place...
No offence intended here but the 75c was a cockup, it was nothing to do with user error, it was a badly designed mod that HCigar tried hiding from.

HCigar recalled a load, that was kept quiet and they refused to publicly acknowledge the issues.

This isn't hearsay, this is from my direct dealings with them and trying get them to do the right thing.

Once again, no offence intended here :)
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