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30/38 316L Clapton Coil

I use Fahrenheit, 235C is 455F, a bit fucking hot for MTL in my book, I'm mostly in the 390-400 range.

Drop it down to 200C and see how you go.
That's not how TC works, it's temperature dominant, wattage just helps get up to temp quicker, try dropping the temp down to suit at 25.
Very interesting I was looking at it the other way around
All the setups in front of me bar two are TC, it's the way I like to vape tbh.
Coilology Fused Clapton (SS316L) wire here 2-28/38.
0.35 ohm Coil at 28w Temp at 390F working a treat with bags of flavour :) and still what most would consider a Cool Vape. :)
All the setups in front of me bar two are TC, it's the way I like to vape tbh.
I was always curious with TC but it just felt easier to get in a KA build and call it a day , but in the space of 30 days got in 2 dicodes and I felt that it's only right to give TC another try, I mean that's what is known for .

I'll keep testing and let you know
I just use plain wire, all this clapton pish is just smoke and mirrors.
I just use plain wire, all this clapton pish is just smoke and mirrors.

Tend to agree John, only used that coil as I had run out of straight 316L at the time :) I'll switch back when I next re wick:sinister:
Happy to help anyone get the most out their setups but I don't see the point in over complicating things.

Putting claptons or something more exotic into an MTL atty is pointless imho as all you're doing is cooking the liquid in such a small chamber and affecting the flavour.
Happy to help anyone get the most out their setups but I don't see the point in over complicating things.

Putting claptons or something more exotic into an MTL atty is pointless imho as all you're doing is cooking the liquid in such a small chamber and affecting the flavour.
So I've been experimenting with power and temp and I get the ideia and for me around 20w at 200c is ideal actually, way more vapour than before but the bloody flavour is not there ,I've got 28g SS wire , I might give a simple wire a try , you reckon 5 6 wraps is enough?
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