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30 years of cigs


Apr 16, 2023
Hey everyone, glad to be a part of the vaping community. Just a bit about me...

Smoker of 20-30 cigs a day for 30 years. Tried a few NRTs but nothing could deliver the nicotine in a way I found satisfying. One day a motorway service station tried to charge me £17 for a pack which is when I decided enough was enough. I'd always turned my nose up at vaping as a couple I'd tried were just far too strong for me and my asthma and smoking related COPD. These days though with the endless choice of "starter" pod vapes, there was more incentive than ever to give it a concerted effort.

I bought an Oxva Xlim v2 because of its MTL or DTL ability with adjustable flow speed. After trying a multitude of liquids, 0.6/0.8/1.2 coil pods, various wattages and MTL/DTL, I settled on the 1.2 ohm at 10W, fast flow DTL with a 50:50 20mg salt ice menthol juice (actually was the cheapest I'd bought at only £1 per bottle which was nice!).

Since then I have not touched or even desired a cigarette in any way! I am extremely satisfied with vaping and my other half could not believe I was able to switch off from cigarettes instantly after so many years.

I do use the vape quite heavily though so I'll just have to consciously try and pull back on it a little. It does irritate my lung conditions a bit too much at times and that could also be partially down to the 20mg strength of the liquid, the 50% PG and apparently the menthol can irritate too. I would have gone with a different flavour but they were extremely harsh on my throat and lungs at 50:50 20mg.

This brings me into a question I'd like to ask. Xlim pods are recommended to be used with 50:50 but the 0.6 ohm pods have been independently tested and verified to work correctly with no adverse effects at 70 VG. What I am most worried about is the nicotine strength from shortfills thanks to Nanny Government's 2% nicotine limit. With a 50/60ml shortfill + 18mg nic shot, this results in "only" a 3mg strength. The last thing I want to be doing is vaping more than I currently do.

Would 3mg be enough for me as a heavily nicotine dependent person, bearing in mind I am quite a long draw DTL vaper?
Does the 70 VG therefore improve the nicotine delivery?
Would adding further nic shots to the shortfill juice dilute the flavour too much and/or make it too harsh to vape?
Is there a possibility that 70 VG would be less likely to trigger an asthma/COPD response?

Bear in mind that I wish to continue using the Xlim for now but wouldn't be averse in the future to a more advanced setup.

Well sorry for the big wall of text. Thanks for reading if you did and thanks in advance for any responses.
Hi @LeeB1980 and welcome to the planet.

makes a nice change to have a wall of text instead of hi, where the free shit :D
congratz on kicking the cigs which will be the best move you ever made.

ive not used your kit so cant advise on that. a quick google and i can see it goes upto 25watts. give it a go with the 0.6. the worst that will happen it it will clog up quicker or give a dry burn and once you get that youll learn never to let it happen again.

I dont get on with nic salts as im vaping every waking moment and can get through anywhere upto 50ml a day at 3mg.
pg carys the throat hit so higher vg may help as it carries the cloud at higher wattage. i know ssome on here have asbestos lungs and can DTL salts at high wattage but the majority use the 50/50 at lower wattage. too high and you could get nausius and a head rush.

you can add 2 nic shots to a shortfill but yes it will dilute the flavour as they only have room for 1 nic shot so removing some to make space will dilute even more.

Hi @LeeB1980 and welcome to the planet.

Wait, there's free shit? :18:

Thanks for the reply. Sadly I have lungs like a soggy paper bag which is why I was looking at higher VG liquids. Your theory is also sound about the nicotine delivery possibly being better and there's certainly no harm in trying it out.

Despite being a relatively heaver smoker I was surprised I just couldn't take to MTL at all, no matter what resistance, wattage or airflow I tried. I suspect it may be because I went straight to the 20mg nic salts. It was like I was constantly trying to take my very first drag of a cigarette over and over again :18: I took to DTL straight away though and find it even better if I leave a mouth gap to draw in some additional outside air. It gives my blancmange lungs the ability to take a good deep draw with a remarkably cloudy exhale from the high resistance pods.

I suppose that's the great thing about vaping. You can keep trying new equipment, liquids and techniques all the time.
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