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4ohm microcoil...


Sep 23, 2013
Wasn't what I wanted, tried making another microcoil and ended up with a 4 ohm'er sad cos it took me a while, I'm using .20 kanthal a1 but have seen various microcoil longer than mine, what size kanthal are these done with, a few of them also look as if they use considerably thicker wire than what I have atm, any help? Pic of my coil below, still practicing my micro wrap skills btw lol
I used .20 kanthal (doubled and twisted together) 6 wraps at 2ohms.
I made another with .30 kanthal 6 wraps at 1.6ohms.
Both coils were heated then squeezed together several times.

Hope that info helps you.
i found .20 to thin and prone to overlaps and now use .32 kanthal. thicker but much more malleable and easier to coil. once flamed and the spring taken out it is much better. also for micro coils 11 wraps is pretty common.
worth checking out riptrippers video here as he does uber micro coils

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Ahh I think this one is 8 or 9 wraps, what kinda width dyu wrap them round? And I'm gonna invest in some .32 wire, I find the .20 really springy and I understand what you mean about overlaps :( cheers guys, cotton wool balls ftw by the way :D
Hmmm strange! thought i would try a 12 wrap microcoil, came in at 1.7 ohms, awesome!
Put in the cotton and soaked it, 02.7 now :(
back to the drawing board then...
Hmmm strange! thought i would try a 12 wrap microcoil, came in at 1.7 ohms, awesome!
Put in the cotton and soaked it, 02.7 now :(
back to the drawing board then...
sounds like your dislodging the coil a bit when your pulling the cotton through. i would suggest once you have cotton in to use some micro tweezers and give the coils some minor adjustments and that should sort it out
Thats what I guessed, not having much luck to be honest, there are no hotspots and it looks like a good coil too!

Sent from NCC1701 USS Enterprise
12 wraps of 28 gauge on a 1/16 drill will give you around 1.4ohms.
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