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90% of the world bans ecigs. USA next? even china!


Jan 11, 2016
I am not sure where to even start on this.
Have you guys seen the list of countries that have banned or are about to ban the ecigs?
absolutely amazing.
we are running on one wheel here. nearly 90% of the planet has issued a complete ban!

The tobacco companies are extremely afraid of this thus influencing governments to ban ecigs. there is absolutely no other reason for this. for example Qatar says ecigs are worst than smoking 100cigs.

We're kinda running into the same issue as hookahs but at least with hookas they dont ban them because they're considered a fun/hobby. you cant just "whip it out" and smoke it. hookahs are a pain to make.

heres the list:

Where You Can and Can’t Vape: A Breakdown of Countries
90% is a bit of a statement!!

I had looked at that map yesterday as heading to South Korea.
Things may be getting worse but your 90% statement is just scaremongering IMO.
Briefly flicking over the map I would guess 10~25% of countries come up red, mainly South America.
100% legal!!!
"United Kingdom – Electronic cigarettes are legal" - this only one I'm willing to fight for, for now...
90% is a bit of a statement!!

I had looked at that map yesterday as heading to South Korea.
Things may be getting worse but your 90% statement is just scaremongering IMO.
Briefly flicking over the map I would guess 10~25% of countries come up red, mainly South America.
Can you show us this map you speak of...
In the link you supplied!!!!!!!!!

There is a world map (needs a couple of clicks) you move your mouse around and it colours the country and says what vaping 'rules' apply.
This (even if half true) shows the power, influence and monies of the big tobacco boys, which most likely could be reversed in a heartbeat once they put the toys back in the pram and get some of the action.
Im not saying its right....Im only saying just putting it out there, that if the only way to have freedom to vape worldwide was to let em in...would you?...can it be prevented anyway?
I don't believe anything that I read so I'm sticking with my blissfully ignorant belief in that there are absolutely NO Countries in the world where the use of, or possession of, e-cigs or any other vaping equipment is illegal!!
There may, of course, be some countries that have restrictions on WHERE e-cigs and vaping equipment may be used.
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